Unfortunately, nch, you are literally the only person with a spaceship
right now

On Mon, Jul 15, 2019 at 8:04 AM nch <nich...@gmail.com> wrote:

> It appears my registration causes me to own a spaceship, and G has
> caused me to have 10 coins. It's also not clear what the default of the
> armour value is. If my spaceships armour value is less than 10, I pay 1
> coin to repair it, increasing its armour switch to 10.I name my
> spaceship Theseus, and frown at the fact that the rules do not codify
> names as a switch for spaceships. I cause Theseus to pay 1 (out of 10)
> energy to move to the Milky Way. I agree to be allied to any player that
> responds to this message saying they agree to be allied to me in the
> next 7 days.

>From R. Lee

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