[As with most things, I have no idea if this has been tried or suggested before.]

Seeing the recent issue with the Ritual and how no individual person could be assigned blame for the failure got me wondering if it would be a viable to instead assign Blots to Agora as a whole for violations such as this. As of this point, the Ritual has no legal teeth, as in no person can be criminally punished for failure to perform it. Aris had mentioned that the Rule was supposed to create a "collective responsibility" to perform the Ritual. Such a system in which Agora could be assigned Blots would create a legally-enforced collective responsibility without holding any individual player criminally liable.

Obviously, Agora just accumulating Blots would not help the problem of toothless laws. This could probably be remedied by having the Blots "trickle down" into Blots for each individual Player (probably at a very reduced ratio). I'm sure you all could be more creative than me :).

Anyway, this is obviously just an idea (maybe not even a good idea), and I would love feedback. Thanks! :)

Jason Cobb

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