I _love_ the idea of enforcing minor rule violations against a pariah. Hilarious.
Some revisions to the protocontract below— /// This contract is to be known as The Church of The Ritual. Parties to the contract are the faithful; nonparties are heathens. A heathen can become faithful by announcement upon transferring 5 coins to the Church. A faithful can become heathen by announcement, unless that faithful has left unsatisfied one or more collection obligations. When this contract creates an “imposed office,” it creates a switch that behaves as closely as possible to the way it would behave if it were a rule-created imposed office. The priest and the heretic are imposed offices. The player who first performs The Ritual in any given Agoran week becomes the priest (if faithful) or the heretic (if heathen). At the start of each Agoran week, the offices of priest and heretic are made vacant. The faithful MUST prevent all players from becoming the heretic; failure to do so is the crime of Abetting Heresy. The heretic MUST be shunned. Faithful are STRONGLY ENCOURAGED to point eir fingers at the heretic, and to seek and impose against the heretic the maximum penalties allowable under the Rules. The priest SHOULD be treated right good. Upon being installed in the office of priest, a faithful CAN once cause the Church to transfer to em 5 coins. If the Church has fewer than 10 coins, any faithful CAN once call a collection by announcement. If a collection is called, each faithful MUST in a timely fashion satisfy eir collection obligation by transferring to the Church 5 coins. If a faithful has left a collection obligation unsatisfied for longer than 7 days, any faithful CAN act on eir behalf to satisfy that obligation by causing em to transfer to the Church 5 coins. ///