The discussion of encouraging rules breakages and heresy reminded me of this
gem by ais523 (for context, Rests=Blots and 24 was the exile threshold).

Rule 2312/0 (Power=1.7)
The Pariah

      The Pariah is an elected office, with no reports. Whenever a
      player becomes the Pariah, that player is awarded 23 Rests.

      If more than 6 Rests are destroyed in the Pariah's possession in
      any given week, the Pariah is awarded a sufficient number of
      Rests in order to bring eir net Rest loss that week up to no
      more than 6.

      Players are ENCOURAGED to enforce penalties for rules breaches
      against the Pariah, even really minor ones.

      Upon a win announcement that the Pariah has ever continuously
      had 0 Rests for an entire week whilst being the Pariah for all
      of that time, then the Pariah satisfies the Winning Condition of
      Cleanliness. Cleanup condition: The office of Pariah becomes

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