Well I think some of the communications CFJs have given enough
basis for some fixes now...

Proto - communications fixes

Enact the following clause (possibly in R859, but there might be
a better place if we don't want to mess with R859):

      If the rules state that certain information must be stated
      or provided "for the record" in association with performing an
      action via a public message, then that information is considered to be
      clearly specified if and only if the information is explicitly,
      unambiguously, and completely included in the text of the message,
      without obfuscation or redirection.

Amend Rule 2496 (Rewards) by replacing:
      by stating how many assets e earns as a result of this action.
      by announcement.

and by appending, to the paragraph beginning:
      * Being the author of an adopted proposal:
the following sentence:
      The exact number of coins must be stated for the record.

Amend Rule 2466 (Acting on Behalf) by replacing:
                                               with the additional
      requirement that the agent must, in the message in which the
      action is performed, uniquely identify the principal and that the
      action is being taken on behalf of that person.
                                               with the additional
      requirement that the agent must, in the message in which the
      action is performed, state for the record the identity of the
      principal and that the action is being taken on behalf of that

[any other immediate uses for this?]

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