On Mon, 26 Nov 2018, Jacob Arduino wrote:
8135 twg, D Margaux 2.0 Blot Decay (Reprise) ENDORSE twg if the Agoran Decision of Proposal 8133 has been resolved AGAINST otherwise
8137 Aris, twg, Trigon 3.0 Uncorrecting Rewards ENDORSE twg if the Agoran Decision of Proposal 8133 has been resolved AGAINST otherwise
8138 twg 2.5 Access to contracts' assets ENDORSE twg if the Agoran Decision of Proposal 8133 has been resolved AGAINST otherwise
While I applaud the attempt to prevent the Assessor from gaining personal advantage by reordering resolutions again, I don't think these work, because conditionals are evaluated at the end of the _voting period_, not when the proposals are later resolved.
Suggestion: Try something like "ENDORSE twg if e has pledged not to gain personal advantage by reordering proposal resolutions for this batch."
Greetings, Ørjan.