
On 10/28/2018 10:56 PM, Gaelan Steele wrote:
Votes, as well as a proposal, inline.


On Oct 28, 2018, at 6:16 PM, Aris Merchant <> 

I hereby distribute each listed proposal, initiating the Agoran
Decision of whether to adopt it, and removing it from the proposal
pool. For this decision, the vote collector is the Assessor, the
quorum is 6, the voting method is AI-majority, and the valid
options are FOR and AGAINST (PRESENT is also a valid vote, as are
conditional votes).

ID    Author(s)           AI    Title
8112  G., ATMunn          1.0   The Middle Way
8113  Trigon              1.0   Auction cleanup
PRESENT. I think I prefer complex but tested rules over simpler but potentially 
buggy rules, but not strongly enough to vote AGAINST. Willing to change my vote 
if I hear something compelling either way
8114  Trigon, twg, G.     1.0   Free auctions 2
FOR. But this might break; does an auction cease to exist when it is completed?
8115  Aris, Trigon        1.5   Heraldic uncertainty
8116  Trigon, D Margaux   1.5   Control-C, Control-V
8117  D Margaux, twg      2.0   Fix for Uncertain Laurelings
8118  G.                  2.0   Laurels Last Longer
8119  D Margaux           2.0   Criminal Justice Adjustments Act
FOR. I create this proposal: {
Title: Law is Ambiguous Word Act
AI: 2
Author: Gaelan

Amend Rule 2531 (Referee Accountability) by replacing “law” with “the rules."
8120  D Margaux           2.0   Blot Decay
8121  G.                  3.0   Retroactive Documents
PRESENT (I’m not sure this is necessary)
8122  Murphy              3.0   Middle of the road
PRESENT until someone explains the reasoning on this one to me

The proposal pool is currently empty.

The full text of the aforementioned proposals is included below.

ID: 8112
Title: The Middle Way
Adoption index: 1.0
Author: G.
Co-authors: ATMunn

Amend Rule 2510 (Such is Karma) by replacing the list in which the list
items are delimited with the - symbol with the following list:

  - Any player with a karma of 5 or greater is a Samurai.

  - Any player with a karma of -5 or less is an Gamma.

  - The Samurai with the highest karma (if any) is the Shogun.

  - The Gamma with the lowest karma (if any) is the Honourless

[By replacing 'player' with 'Samurai' and 'Gamma' in the last two
list items, you can't get Shogun/Worm unless you've cleared a basic
barrier - right now you could be a Worm even if your karma isn't
all that low].

ID: 8113
Title: Auction cleanup
Adoption index: 1.0
Author: Trigon

[ Comment: I noticed that there are an entire eight rules defining
  auctions and I thought that was a bit excessive. Oh, we also missed a
  few sentences about contracts initiating auctions so this removes
  them. This contains no functional changes but it makes the rules
  defining auctions less cumbersome. ]

Amend rule 2545 'Auctions' to read:

  An Auction is a way for entities to give away items in exchange
  for a currency. Any rule CAN permit or require Auctions to be

  Each Auction has one or more lots of items. A lot is a non-empty
  list of items to be transferred to a single recipient.

  Each Auction has an Auctioneer. All rules permitting Auctions to
  be initiated should specify an entity to be Auctioneer. If no
  Auctioneer is specified, the default Auctioneer is Agora.

  Each Auction has an Announcer. Only persons can be Announcers. If
  the Auctioneer of an Auction is a player, then that player is also
  the Announcer of that Auction. Otherwise, the rule defining an
  Auction CAN define the Announcer for that Auction.

Amend the last paragraph of rule 2549 'Auction Initiation' by replacing
'coins' with 'Agora's official currency'.

Amend the last paragraph of rule 2551 'Auction End' by removing the
final sentence.

Repeal rule 2546 'Lots'
Repeal rule 2547 'The Auctioneer'
Repeal rule 2548 'The Auction Announcer'

ID: 8114
Title: Free auctions 2
Adoption index: 1.0
Author: Trigon
Co-authors: twg, G.

[ Comment: Not sure how I actually feel about this being enacted but
  proposals are cheap so I might as well.

  Version 2: Clear up wording. ]

Create a new power-1 rule entitled 'Free Auctions' with the text:

  A player who is not the Auctioneer of an existing Auction
  specified by this rule CAN, by announcement, initiate an auction
  with emself as the Announcer and Auctioneer.

ID: 8115
Title: Heraldic uncertainty
Adoption index: 1.5
Author: Aris
Co-authors: Trigon

Amend rule 649 by appending the following sentence to the first paragraph:

  The Herald's monthly report is self-ratifying.

ID: 8116
Title: Control-C, Control-V
Adoption index: 3.0
Author: Trigon
Co-authors: D Margaux

If a rule entitled 'Earning Coins' exists, amend that rule by replacing
the text "if e has one" with "if e has any".

ID: 8117
Title: Fix for Uncertain Laurelings
Adoption index: 2.0
Author: D Margaux
Co-authors: twg

[Based on twg’s prior proposal. The idea here is to relieve the PM of
the obligation to appoint a new speaker until any doubt about a recent
Laureling is resolved.]

Amend Rule 103 to replace this text:

  “If at any time the office of Speaker is vacant, or when one or more
  players win Agora, then the Prime Minister CAN and SHALL, once and
  in a timely fashion, appoint a Laureled player to the office of Speaker
  by announcement.”


  “If at any time the office of Speaker is vacant, or when one or more players
  win Agora, then the Prime Minister CAN once appoint a Laureled player
  to the office of Speaker by announcement.  Whenever the Prime Minister CAN
  appoint a Laureled player to the office of Speaker, e SHALL do so in a timely
  manner, except that the Prime Minister MAY defer appointing a new Speaker
  while there is pending one or more open CFJs that could plausibly determine
  or affect the question of whether a player is Laureled.”

ID: 8118
Title: Laurels Last Longer
Adoption index: 2.0
Author: G.

Amend Rule 103 (The Speaker) by replacing:
  The player or players who have most recently won the game are
  called Laureled.
  Every player who has won the game since a Speaker was last
  appointed is called Laureled.

[If several wins happen in quick succession, the P.M. can choose from
any of those winners, not just the most very recent (which are likely
the most uncertain).  Of course, it doesn't fix things if all winners
since the last speaker appointment are uncertain, but it helps.  It's
also fairer to the set of winners overall].

ID: 8119
Title: Criminal Justice Adjustments Act
Adoption index: 2.0
Author: G.

[Purpose is to streamline and clarify the conditions under
which fines can be imposed; make it possible to impose
fines after 14 days when a finger is pointed within 14 days;
and to clarify the time period for imposing fines when it is
based on the failure to meet a deadline]

Amend Rule 2531 (Referee Accountability) to replace this text:

  "Any attempt to levy a fine is INEFFECTIVE if it does not include
  (1) value of the fine in blots, (2) the name of the person being
  fined (the perp), and (3) the specific reason for the fine, or if
  it attempts to levy a fine on a person for an action or inaction
  which e (more likely than not) did not commit, or if it attempts
  to levy a fine for an action or inaction which is not prohibited
  by law, or if it attempts to levy a fine with a value which is
  blatantly and obviously unsuited to the conduct which constitutes
  the reason for its levy or to the person to which it is being
  levied, or if it is made more than 14 days after the conduct
  constituting the reason for the fine, or if it attempts to levy a
  fine to a player who has already been levied a fine for the
  conduct constituting the reason for the levy, or if it attempts to
  levy a fine on a zombie for an action that its master performed on
  its behalf."

with this text:

"Any attempt to levy a fine is INEFFECTIVE if:

  (1) it does not include value of the fine in blots, the name
      of the person being fined (the perp), and the specific
      reason for the fine;

  (2) it attempts to levy a fine on a person for an action or
      inaction which e (more likely than not) did not commit;

  (3) it attempts to levy a fine for an action or inaction
      which is not prohibited by law;

  (4) it attempts to levy a fine with a value that is blatantly
      and obviously unsuited to the conduct which constitutes
      the reason for its levy or to the person on whom it is
      being levied;

  (5) it attempts to levy a fine (i) by summary judgement more
      than 14 days after the action constituting the reason
      for the fine or (ii) based upon the investigation of
      of a Finger that had been Pointed more than 14 days
      after the action constituting the reason for the fine;

  (6) it attempts to levy a fine on a player for failing to
      take an action within the time period set by the Rules
      and that time period had expired (i) more than 14 days
      prior to the attempted fine, if the attempted fine is
      imposed by summary judgement or (ii) more than 14 days
      prior to the Pointed Finger, if the fine is imposed
      based on an investigation of such Finger;

  (7) it attempts to levy a fine on a player who has already
      been fined for the conduct constituting the reason for
      the levy; or

  (8) it attempts to levy a fine on a zombie for an action
      that its master performed on its behalf."

ID: 8120
Title: Blot Decay
Adoption index: 2.0
Author: D Margaux

Amend Rule 2551 to replace:

  “If a player has neither gained blots nor expunged any blots from emself
  in the current Agoran week, e CAN expunge 1 blot from emself by


  “At the end of each Agoran week, 1 blot is automatically expunged from each
  impure player who that week had not gained any blots.”

ID: 8121
Title: Retroactive Documents
Adoption index: 3.0
Author: D Margaux

Amend Rule 1551 (Ratification) by replacing:
  the gamestate is modified to what it would be if,
  at the time the ratified document was published, the gamestate had
  been minimally modified to make the ratified document as true and
  accurate as possible.
  the gamestate is modified to what it would be if,
  at the time the ratified document was published, the gamestate had
  been minimally modified to make the ratified document as true and
  accurate as possible; however, if the document explicitly specifies
  a different past time as being the time the document was true, the
  specified time is used to determine the minimal modifications.

ID: 8122
Title: Middle of the road
Adoption index: 3.0
Author: Murphy

Amend Rule 2422 (Voting Strength) by replacing this text:

  If not otherwise specified, the voting strength of an entity on an
  Agoran decision is 1.

with this text:

  If not otherwise specified, the voting strength of an entity on an
  Agoran decision is 3.


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