We need to discuss this if this is going to be a major part of Agora soon so I suppose I'll start.

On 10/07/2018 08:45 PM, Aris Merchant wrote:
Here's a minimally patched proto of Alexis's Politics system. I'm
undoubtedly missing something, so any corrections would be
appreciated. Also, I've left two values unspecified, <N>, which is the
number of coins charged for something; and <VOLUNTEER>, a player who's
willing to serve as the first Clork. Suggestions/volunteers to fill
those holes would be great!

Okay so these comments would also have been applicable to the old one, but I was too ignorant of rules to proofread when this was originally passed.

Title: Let Me Back In!
Adoption index: 2.0
Author: Aris
Co-authors: Alexis, Murphy

If no proposal whose title contains the word "burn" has passed
since the beginning of October, 2018, the remainder of this proposal is

Enact a new power-2 rule entitled "Political Parties", reading as

First inquiry: why aren't you reenacting the old rules? In fact, I'll provide rule IDs for your convenience. This one's 2533.

   There are 5 Parties, in order:

   - Platonic Isolationists
   - New Punchbowl Reformers
   - Costume Conservatives
   - Substance Use Liberals
   - Official Raving Monster Looney Party

   Politicians are entities; each Politician has a name and an
   associated Party. Politicians exist only as specified by the
   rules. Creating, altering, or destroying Politicians is secured.

   If there are ever fewer than 20 Politicians, then the Clork CAN
   and SHALL, by announcement,

This kinda seems like you're obligating the Clork to create a new politician the instant there become less than 20 and then not report on it. Maybe if you stated that the Clork SHALL do so in eir weekly report, that would disambiguate it. It's not that pressing and would still work but you can never be too cautious around Agorans.

                                create a new Politician, specifying
   eir Party and name. The Party must be selected at random from:

   - If any Party has fewer than 3 Politicans, the Party or Parties
     with the fewest.
   - Otherwise, the Parties with fewer than 5 Politicians.

This phrasing is a little bit messy. I might suggest changing the wording to something like:

      - The set of parties with the lowest number of Politicians if any
        party has fewer than 3;
      - Otherwise, the set of parties with fewer than 5 Politicians.

Enact a new power-2 rule entitled "Clork", reading as follows:

This was rule 2534.

   The Clork is an office. The Clork's weekly report includes:
   - a list of all Politicans with their names and Parties.
   - the assignment of Policies to Parties.

   The portion of a document purporting to be a Clork's report
   containing the above information is self-ratifying.

I'm not entirely sure this paragraph is necessary. Switches are self-ratifying and so are assets.

Enact a new power-2 rule entitled "Echelon Forms", reading as follows:

This was rule 2535.

   A Post is a position which can be held by at most one Politician.
   Each Politican can hold at most one Post at a time. Each Post is
   in an Echelon, which has an associated Rank. The Echelons, and
   their Posts and Ranks, are as follows:

Suggestion: why not make posts assets and have holders be a switch with the values of all the Politicians? It works this way too, but officeholder is an Office switch, and the two systems are clearly very similar to one another. I think it would make sense if they were phrased this way for internal consistency.

   Chamber of Power (Rank 5):
   - Host
   Upper Echelon (Rank 3):
   - Planner
   - Enforcer
   - Organizer
   - Creep
   Row Echelon (Rank 1):
   - Schmoozer
   - Decorator
   - Loner
   - Drunk
   - Mystery
   - Wild One
   - Hat Rack

   Each Politician who holds a Post is in the Echelon of that post;
   other Politicians are in the Row-Reduced Echelon, which has Rank
   0. Likewise, the Rank of a Post or Politician is the Rank of their

   If a rule provides that a Post can take an action, then the
   Advisor of the holder of that Post CAN take that action. If there
   is no such player, and the Post is required to take that action,
   then the Clork CAN do it prior to any deadline for its
   performance. After a deadline for a Post to perform an action, any
   player CAN take it.

Enact a new power-2 rule entitled "Taken Under Advisement", reading as

This was rule 2536.

   Advisor is a Politician switch, tracked by the Clork, with
   possible values all players and none (default). For each
   Politician, Influence over <Politician> is a natural player
   switch, tracked by the Clork.

   A player CAN, by announcement, spend Favours in a Politician's
   Party to gain Influence over that Politician, depending on the
   Politician's Echelon:
   - Chamber of Power: 3 Favours for 2 Influence
   - Upper Echelon: 1 Favour for 1 Influence
   - Row Echelon: 2 Favours for 3 Influence
   - Row-Reduced Echelon: 1 Favour for 2 Influence

   If a player has more Influence over a given Politician than any
   other player, e can Advise that Politican by announcement. When e
   does so, if no other player Advises the same Politician later in
   the same Agoran week, then at the start of the next Agoran week,
   that player becomes that Politician's Advisor.

Enact a new power-2 rule entitled "Balloons", reading as follows:

This was rule 2537.

   Balloons are a fixed currency, tracked by the Clork, with
   ownership restricted to players. Creation or destruction of
   balloons is secured.

   At the start of each Agoran week, after Advisors are flipped:
   - For each player, if e owns more Balloons than e was awarded by
     this procedure at the start of the previous week, any excess
     Balloons are destroyed.

How would this happen? By proposal or self-ratification, I would suppose. Both are legitimate methods of obtaining or destroying assets. No other asset includes this provision, so why should Balloons?

   - Each player is awarded Balloons equal to the sum of the Ranks of
     the Politicians for which e is Advisor.
   - The Decorator's Advisor, if any is awarded one additional

   A player CAN, by announcement, spend a Balloon e owns to increase
   eir voting strength on a specified Agoran Decision, other than one
   with an adoption index of 3 or higher, by 1.

   A player CAN, by announcement, spend Balloons equal to the sum of
   the Ranks of all Posts in order to win the game. Upon doing so,
   all eir Influence switches are set to 0.

Enact a new power-2 rule entitled "Party Favours", reading as follows:

This was rule 2538.

   For each Party, there is a currency called Favours in that Party.
   Ownership of Favours is tracked by the Clork. Ownership of Favours
   is restricted to players.

   A player CAN, by announcement, spend 3 Favours in a single Party
   to award another player 2 Favours in that Party.

   A player CAN, by announcement, spend 3 Favours in a single Party
   to gain a Favour in another specified Party.

Enact a new power-2 rule entitled "Retirement", reading as follows:

This was rule 2539.

   Stress Level is a natural Politician switch, tracked by the Clork.
   At the start of each Agoran week, each Politician's Stress Level
   is increased by eir Rank. If, after this procedure, a Politician's
   Stress Level is 20 or greater, the Politician announces retirement
   and is destroyed at the beginning of the following Agoran week.
   The Clork SHALL announce this fact in a timely fashion.

Enact a new power-2 rule entitled "Political Elections", reading as

This was rule 2540.

   For each Post, Vote for <Post> is a secured Politician switch
   tracked by the Clork, with possible values all Politicians and
   undecided (default).

Maybe include some syntax? Perhaps say something like: "'<Politician> votes <Value> for <Post>' is equivalent to setting the Vote for <Post> switch of <Politician> to <Value>".

   The voting strength of a Politician for a Post is defined as
   - For an election for Host, Politicians have strength equal to
     their Rank.
   - For an election for an Upper Echelon Post, the Host has strength
     4, and Upper Echelon Politicians have strength 2.
   - For an election for a Row Echelon Post, the Host has strength 3,
     Upper Echelon Politicians have strength 2, and Row Echelon
     politicians have strength 1.
   - The Organizer has voting strength 1 greater than e would have
     based on the above.

   The eligible Politicians in an election for a Post are all
   Politicians in the highest non-empty Echelon below that of the
   Post up for election. The number of votes cast for an eligible
   Politician in an election is the sum of voting strengths for that
   Post of all Politician voting for em;

"The number of votes" is an undefined term. Add a definition like "The number of Politicians whose Vote for that position is the eligible Politician"
                                         the number of votes cast for
   an ineligible Politician is 0.

"ineligible" here has an implied definition, which could cause problems down the line.

   An election for a Post is resolvable if that Post is vacant, there
   is a single Politician with the most votes in that election, and
   either at least four days have passed since either the vacancy or
   since its previous occupant Announced Retirement, whichever was
   first, or if the leader has more votes than the Policitian with
   the second-most, plus the total voting strength of all undecided
   Politicians in that election. When an election for a Post is
   resolvable, any player CAN, by announcement, end the election and
   install the winning Politician (which must be specified or else
   the announcement is INEFFECTIVE) into the Post.

I'd also say the Clork SHALL do so in eir Weekly Report and maybe state that in the Clork rule for redundancy.

   If a Post is vacant and either has been so for seven days or more
   than eleven days have passed since its previous holder Announced
   Retirement, then the Host CAN and SHALL, in a timely fashion, by
   announcement end the election and install one of the Politicians
   with the most votes into the Post. >
   When an election for a Post ends, all Vote switches for that Post
   are set to undecided.

Enact a new power-1 rule entitled "Party Policy", reading as follows:

This one... was also ID'd 2540. So probably just make this a new rule to avoid a litigious mess.

   There are 5 Policies, in order:

   - Justice: interested in seeing justice served
   - Efficiency: interested in seeing official duties performed
   - Legislation: interested in seeing proposals passed
   - Participation: interested in seeing votes cast
   - Economy: interested in economic activity

   At any time, each Policy is held by exactly one Party. The
   assignments must be in cyclic order of their definitions, wrapping
   from bottom to top. For example, if the Platonic Isolationists
   hold Participation as their Policy, then the New Punchbowl Reformers
   hold Economy, the Costume Conservatives hold Justice, and so on.

   At the start of each Agoran month, the Planner CAN and SHALL, in a
   timely fashion, by announcement, select a new assignment of
   Policies to Parties (specifying the Policy of one Party is
   sufficient, since it implies the remainder). E CANNOT specify
   either of the assignments used in the previous two months.

Enact a new power-1 rule entitled "Favour Awards":

This was rule 2542.

   The following officers CAN by announcement award Favours in the
   listed Parties, but SHALL NOT do so except as required by rule.

   - Arbitor and Referee: the Party holding Justice.
   - ADoP: the Party holding Efficiency.
   - Assessor: the Parties holding Legislation and Participation.
   - Clork: all Parties.

   When a player judges a CFJ, the Arbitor SHALL, in a timely
   fashion, award that player 3 Favours in the Party holding Justice.
   When a player's Finger-Pointing leads to a Card award, or when the
   Referee issues Summary Judgement, the Referee shall award a Favour
   in the Party holding Justice to the responsible player.

   Complexity is an office switch, tracked by the ADoP, with values 0, 1
   (default), 2, and 3. The ADoP CAN, without 2 Objections, set the
   Complexity of an office. As part of eir weekly duties, the ADoP
   SHALL award to each officeholder a number of Favours in the Party
   holding Efficiency equal to the Complexity of that Office.

   Whenever the Assessor resolves an Agoran decision:
   - If the decision was to adopt a proposal, and it was ADOPTED, e
     SHALL immediately award the proposal's author a number of
     Favours in the Party holding Legislation equal to the proposal's
     AI, rounded up.
   - For each voter who voted on that Agoran decision and did not
     already receive this type of award earlier in the same Agoran
     week, e SHALL award that player 2 Favours in the Party holding

   Any player CAN spend <N> coins to gain a Favour in the Party holding

<N> has no meaning. Shinies no longer exist so there won't be a direct fix. Maybe you just need to make it 1. Or 2. Or some other integer.

   As part of eir weekly duties, the Clork SHALL award, to the
   Advisor of a Politician holding one of the below Posts, 3
   Favours in the corresponding Party:
   - Loner: Platonic Isolationists
   - Drunk: New Punchbowl Reformers
   - Mystery: Costume Conservatives
   - Wild One: Substance Use Liberals
   - Hat Rack: Official Raving Monster Looney Party

Enact a new power-2 rule entitled "Post Powers":

This was rule 2543.

   The Creep CAN by announcement, but no more than once per Agoran
   week, increase eir own Stress Level by 1 in order to increase the
   Stress Level of another specified Politician by 2.

   The Schmoozer CAN by announcement, but no more than once per
   Agoran week, change the Party of a specified other Politician to
   the next Party in order, wrapping around.

   The Enforcer CAN, no more than once per week, with Support from at
   least one other Politician not in the Row-Reduced Echelon, remove
   a specified Row Echelon Politician from eir Post. E must specify
   the supporting Politician when doing so, or it is INEFFECTIVE.
   Upon doing so, both the Enforcer and supporting Politician's
   Stress Levels are increased by 1.

Set the Complexities of the offices as follows:
- ADoP: 2
- Arbitor: 2
- Assessor: 3
- Clork: 2
- Distributor: 0
- Herald: 2
- Notary: 2
Does not exist.
- Prime Minister: 1
- Promotor: 2
- Referee: 2
- Registrar: 2
- Regkeepor: 1
Does not exist.
- Reportor: 1Does not exist.
- Rulekeepor: 3
- Speaker: 1
- Tailor: 1
- Treasuror: 3

Enact a new power-2 rule entitled "Get This Party Started", reading as
   The Clork CAN, by announcement, and SHALL, in a timely fashion
   after this rule is enacted:
   - Create 20 Politicians, 4 in each Party, specifying their names;
   - Increase each Politician's Stress Level by twice eir Rank;
   - Assign one Politician to each Post, chosen at random;
   - Randomly assign Policies to Parties (obeying the cyclic order
     restriction); then
   - Cause this rule to repeal itself.

   Rules to the contrary notwithstanding, while this rule is in
   effect, it provides the only mechanism by which Politicians can be
   created, Posts or Policies assigned, Stress Levels changed.
   Moreover, rules to the contrary notwithstanding, Favour cannot be

Install <VOLUNTEER> as Clork.


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