Anyone have ore?
Anyone want Coins?
* Refineries have no carrying capacity.
* I'm standing on a Rank-5 refinery that can make 13 Coins from every ore.
* Let's see if we can get people back in the Coins game!
* (yes, this is a last-ditch attempt to diversify land ownership).
This is a proto-contract (proofing would be great). Aris, does this look like
will work?
1. Any player CAN become a member of this contract either by agreeing to this
contract, or by taking an action unique to this contract clearly meant to be
a contract action (e.g. shipping or receiving as specified here).
G. CAN terminate this contract with 1 week's notice - its text otherwise
be changed.
2. G. will spend a substantial proportion of each week located at (+3, -1), and
warn members when e is not planning to be there for any length of time.
3. Whenever G. is at (+3, -1), any member CAN "ship to the foundry" an exactly
specified amount of ore in eir possession, by announcement. When ore is
to the foundry:
- The member first transfers the ore from emself to G.
- The member then acts on behalf of G. to transfer the ore from G. to the
refinery at G.'s location.
"Exact specification" means an exact number must be specified; shorthand
as "all" cannot be used to specify shipping.
4. When Coins are created by the foundry as a result of an ore shipment, and G.
is located at (+3, -1) the member who shipped the ore CAN, by announcement,
"receive from the foundry" the exactly specified and appropriate amount of
Coins created from ore e shipped. When coins are received from the foundry:
- The member first acts on behalf of G. to transfer the coins from the
refinery at G.'s location to G.
- The member then acts on behalf of G. to transfer the coins from G. to
the member.
5. If coins have been created as in #4, G. emself CAN make the transfers
in #4 directly (from the refinery to G. and from G. to the member in
in place of the member receiving from the foundry.
6. While it is recognized that currency is fungible, this Contract shall be
interpreted sensibly and G. (and members) will ensure that everyone gets
"their" coins. G. will not under any circumstances "borrow" or otherwise
use ore or coins that is part of others' shipments, without explicit
permission. If Something Goes Wrong, G. and members will work towards an
equitable solution to the problem.
7. While this contract does not require contributions to refinery Upkeep, G.
may politely request donations for Upkeep if e feels it appropriate. If e
decides not to pay upkeep, e will work to ensure no one else's shipments are
lost by being in the refinery when it's destroyed.