​I did think that it was weird that nobody was responding to me, but I
checked and it's in the archives.​


On Sun, Apr 15, 2018 at 10:28 PM, ATMunn <iamingodsa...@gmail.com> wrote:

> No, it doesn't appear to have gone through.
> On 4/15/2018 4:15 PM, Corona wrote:
>> Didn't anybody notice my email from Wednesday, replying to ATMunn:
>> "I was under the impression I had already collected stuff from (-1,-1) via
>> Quazie. Anyways, you couldn't collect assets from two facilities, because
>> Ensure Fair Distribution of Assets passed."
>> ???
>> ~Corona
>> On Sun, Apr 15, 2018 at 8:59 PM, Reuben Staley <reuben.sta...@gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>> I just realized this, but I'm pretty sure this transfer is invalid anyways
>>> as you can only take from one preserved facility per week.
>>> On Wed, Apr 11, 2018, 07:33 ATMunn <iamingodsa...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Actually I believe this failed, as I tried to move from black to white
>>>> by spending only one apple.
>>>> If I am still currently standing at (-1, +1) then I spend 2 apples to
>>>> move to (-1, 0) and another to move to (-1, -1).
>>>> I then transfer all of the assets from the facility where I am standing
>>>> to me.
>>>> On 4/11/2018 9:27 AM, ATMunn wrote:
>>>>> I transfer all of the assets where I am standing to me.
>>>>> I spend 1 apple to move to (-1, 0) and then another to move to (-1,
>>>> -1).
>>>> I then transfer all of the assets where I am standing to me.
>>>>> I also act on Nichdel's behalf to transfer all of eir assets to me.
>>>>> On 4/11/2018 2:22 AM, Reuben Staley wrote:
>>>>>> THE MAP OF ARCADIA -- APRIL 2, 2018
>>>>>> View an interactive version of this report here:
>>>>>> https://agoranomic.org/Cartographor/maps/map-2018-04-11.html
>>>>>> ============================================================
>>>>> ============
>>>>>>           LONGITUDE
>>>>>>       - 6543210123456 +
>>>>>>      -                 -
>>>>>>      6  *************  6
>>>>>>      5  *************  5    aether (*)
>>>>>>      4  *************  4    (b)lack
>>>>>> L  3  *************  3    (w)hite
>>>>>> A  2  *************  2
>>>>>> T  1  ****wwwbb****  1
>>>>>> I  0  ****wwbbb****  0
>>>>>> T  1  ****wwbbbw***  1
>>>>>> U  2  ******bwb****  2
>>>>>> D  3  *************  3
>>>>>> E  4  *************  4
>>>>>>      5  *************  5
>>>>>>      6  *************  6
>>>>>>      +                 +
>>>>>>       - 6543210123456 +
>>>>>> ============================================================
>>>>> ============
>>>>>>           LONGITUDE
>>>>>>       - 6543210123456 +
>>>>>>      -                 -
>>>>>>      6  *************  6
>>>>>>      5  *************  5    Agora, Aether (*)
>>>>>>      4  *************  4    Agora, Non-Aether (.)
>>>>>> L  3  *************  3    (G)aelan
>>>>>> A  2  *************  2    (K)enyon
>>>>>> T  1  ****G...K****  1    (T)rigon
>>>>>> I  0  ****T...C****  0    (C)orona
>>>>>> T  1  ****C.....***  1
>>>>>> U  2  ******...****  2
>>>>>> D  3  *************  3
>>>>>> E  4  *************  4
>>>>>>      5  *************  5
>>>>>>      6  *************  6
>>>>>>      +                 +
>>>>>>       - 6543210123456 +
>>>>>> ============================================================
>>>>> ============
>>>>>>           LONGITUDE
>>>>>>       - 6543210123456 +
>>>>>>      -                 -
>>>>>>      6  fffffffffffff  6
>>>>>>      5  fffffffffffff  5    (t)rue
>>>>>>      4  fffffffffffff  4    (f)alse
>>>>>> L  3  fffffffffffff  3
>>>>>> A  2  fffffffffffff  2
>>>>>> T  1  ffffftttfffff  1
>>>>>> I  0  ffffftttfffff  0
>>>>>> T  1  ffffftttfffff  1
>>>>>> U  2  fffffffffffff  2
>>>>>> D  3  fffffffffffff  3
>>>>>> E  4  fffffffffffff  4
>>>>>>      5  fffffffffffff  5
>>>>>>      6  fffffffffffff  6
>>>>>>      +                 +
>>>>>>       - 6543210123456 +
>>>>>> ============================================================
>>>>> ============
>>>>>> (-1, -1): Preserved Rank 1 Mine, owned by Agora
>>>>>>             Assets: 3 stones, 2 ore
>>>>>> (-1, +1): Preserved Rank 1 Orchard, owned by Agora
>>>>>>             Assets: 3 apples, 3 lumber
>>>>>> (+1, -1): Preserved Rank 1 Farm, owned by Agora
>>>>>>             Assets: 3 corn, 3 cotton
>>>>>> (+1, +1): Preserved Rank 1 Mine, owned by Agora
>>>>>>             Assets: 3 stones, 2 ore
>>>>>> ============================================================
>>>>> ============
>>>>>> Player       Last report   This Report
>>>>>> ---------------------------------------
>>>>>> omd          ( 0,  0)      ( 0,  0)
>>>>>> o            ( 0,  0)      ( 0,  0)
>>>>>> Aris         (-1, -1)      (-1, -1)
>>>>>> DFF[1]       ( 0,  0)      ( 0,  0)
>>>>>> Quazie       ( 0,  0)      ( 0,  0)
>>>>>> P.S.S.[2]    ( 0,  0)      (-1, -1)
>>>>>> Gaelan       ( 0,  0)      (-1, -1)
>>>>>> nichdel      ( 0,  0)      ( 0,  0)
>>>>>> G.           ( 0,  0)      ( 0,  0)
>>>>>> Cuddlebeam   (-1, -1)      (-1, -1)
>>>>>> Trigon       ( 0,  0)      (+1, +2)
>>>>>> Telnaior     ( 0,  0)      ( 0,  0)
>>>>>> Corona       ( 0,  0)      (+1, +1)
>>>>>> pokes        ( 0,  0)      ( 0,  0)
>>>>>> Murphy       ( 0,  0)      ( 0,  0)
>>>>>> VJ Rada      ( 0,  0)      ( 0,  0)
>>>>>> Kenyon       (-1, +1)      (-1, +1)
>>>>>> ATMunn       (-1, +1)      (-1, +1)
>>>>>> Ouri         ( 0,  0)      ( 0,  0)
>>>>>> [1]: In Full, 天火狐
>>>>>> [2]: In Full, Publius Scribonius Scholasticus
>>>>>> ============================================================
>>>>> ============
>>>>>> The alternating land type has been switched 4 times.
>>>>>> The current value is Black.
>>>>>> ============================================================
>>>>> ============
>>>>>> Date         Unit      From    To
>>>>>> ---------------------------------------
>>>>>> 2018-04-09   (-1, +2)   Agora   Kenyon
>>>>>> 2018-04-09   ( 0, -2)   Agora   Trigon
>>>>>> 2018-04-09   (+1, -2)   Agora   Corona
>>>>>> 2018-04-09   ( 0, +2)   Agora   Corona
>>>>>> 2018-04-10   (-1, -2)   Agora   Gaelan

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