On Sat, 24 Feb 2018, Kerim Aydin wrote:

Create a new rule "Paydays" (Power=2) and amend it so that its text
reads, in full:

This is written as if it were two rule changes, but doesn't specify the original text before amendment.

Re-enact rule 1996/3 (Power=1), renaming it to "The Cartographor" with
the text:

How many rule changes is this, and what is their order?

Re-enact rule 2022/5 (Power=1), renaming it "Land Transfiguration" with
the text:


Replace all occurances of "shiny" and "shinies" in the ruleset with
"coin" and "coins" respectively in ascending numerical order.

Rule 2166 seems to have too high power for this, although it might therefore be considered a bug that it mentions shinies at all.


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