Seems fun, but I probably won't want to be an Author until December at
least since real life is being busy.


On 7 November 2017 at 21:23, ATMunn <> wrote:

> I had this idea for a contract while in the shower last night. I decided
> to make a quick prototype. I think everything looks good, but I'll put
> this here just in case.
> Title: "Sherlock Holmes Institute"
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Any player CAN become a party to this contract by announcement. ATMunn
> is always a party of this contract, and is known as the Chancellor of
> the Institute (Chancellor for short).
> The Chancellor CAN, at any time, amend or destroy this contract with 48
> hours notice.
> This contract is willing to accept shinies, and nothing else.
> A party to this contract can hold one of two roles: Author or
> Investigator. By default, all parties to this contract are Investigators
> unless specified otherwise. No party can become an Author unless the
> Chancellor appoints em as one.
> The Chancellor, by default, is an Author. E CAN, by announcement,
> appoint any Investigator to become an Author. Upon doing so, the
> specified party CAN become an Author by announcement. Any Author CAN
> become an Investigator at any time, by announcement. However, once an
> Author becomes an Investigator again, e CANNOT become an Author again
> unless the Chancellor appoints em as one again.
> Once every month, any Author CAN publish a Scene by announcement,
> becoming that Scene's Author. A Scene is a work of fictional literature,
> and MUST contain some sort of mystery, and be at least 200 words in
> order to be valid. Scenes SHOULD be related to Agora in some way. A
> single Scene can only have one Author, and a single Author can have no
> more than one Scene at any time.
> In the same message that e published a Scene, the Author of the scene
> CAN and SHALL transfer at least 5 shinies to this contract. These
> shinies are designated as this Scene's Reward. Authors CAN add shinies
> to eir Scene's Reward at any time, by announcement, by transferring
> those shinies to this contract.
> Within 30 days from the publishing of a Scene, any party to this
> contract other than the Scene's Author CAN claim to have Deduced the
> Mystery by announcement. Then, in a timely fashion from the announcement
> of the claim, the Scene's Author CAN and SHALL announce whether or not
> the claim was correct. If it was, then the party who Deduced the Mystery
> CAN cause this contract to transfer the Scene's Reward to emself by
> announcement. If the claim was incorrect, nothing happens.
> If 30 days pass from the publishing of a Scene and no player has
> correctly Deduced the Mystery, than the Author of that Scene is said to
> have Stumped all of the Investigators, and CAN cause this contract to
> transfer the Scene's Reward to emself by announcement.
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------

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