I had this idea for a contract while in the shower last night. I decided to make a quick prototype. I think everything looks good, but I'll put this here just in case.
Title: "Sherlock Holmes Institute" ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Any player CAN become a party to this contract by announcement. ATMunn is always a party of this contract, and is known as the Chancellor of the Institute (Chancellor for short). The Chancellor CAN, at any time, amend or destroy this contract with 48 hours notice. This contract is willing to accept shinies, and nothing else. A party to this contract can hold one of two roles: Author or Investigator. By default, all parties to this contract are Investigators unless specified otherwise. No party can become an Author unless the Chancellor appoints em as one. The Chancellor, by default, is an Author. E CAN, by announcement, appoint any Investigator to become an Author. Upon doing so, the specified party CAN become an Author by announcement. Any Author CAN become an Investigator at any time, by announcement. However, once an Author becomes an Investigator again, e CANNOT become an Author again unless the Chancellor appoints em as one again. Once every month, any Author CAN publish a Scene by announcement, becoming that Scene's Author. A Scene is a work of fictional literature, and MUST contain some sort of mystery, and be at least 200 words in order to be valid. Scenes SHOULD be related to Agora in some way. A single Scene can only have one Author, and a single Author can have no more than one Scene at any time. In the same message that e published a Scene, the Author of the scene CAN and SHALL transfer at least 5 shinies to this contract. These shinies are designated as this Scene's Reward. Authors CAN add shinies to eir Scene's Reward at any time, by announcement, by transferring those shinies to this contract. Within 30 days from the publishing of a Scene, any party to this contract other than the Scene's Author CAN claim to have Deduced the Mystery by announcement. Then, in a timely fashion from the announcement of the claim, the Scene's Author CAN and SHALL announce whether or not the claim was correct. If it was, then the party who Deduced the Mystery CAN cause this contract to transfer the Scene's Reward to emself by announcement. If the claim was incorrect, nothing happens. If 30 days pass from the publishing of a Scene and no player has correctly Deduced the Mystery, than the Author of that Scene is said to have Stumped all of the Investigators, and CAN cause this contract to transfer the Scene's Reward to emself by announcement. ------------------------------------------------------------------------