Sorry for being "super-informal Rada" this week.

On Tue, Nov 7, 2017 at 8:40 PM, VJ Rada <> wrote:
> I revoke the below proposal.
> Even more classic.
> Ayyyy don't insta-pend things lads.
> On Tue, Nov 7, 2017 at 8:37 PM, Owen Jacobson <> wrote:
>>> On Nov 7, 2017, at 4:18 AM, VJ Rada <> wrote:
>>> god's SAKE classic Rada proposing skills.
>>> I create and pend the following proposal with shinies
>>> Title: Another Obvious Fix
>>> AI: 2
>>> Text: Delete from rule 2487 the text "When the Supply level Changes, a
>>> Shiny Releveling event occurs.”
>> I’m not so convinced that this is a fix.
>> Registrations and deregistrations are rare events. From a pure data tracking 
>> point of view, they’re not that much of a hassle to include in the 
>> Treasuror’s report.
>> Automatically creating 70 sh. when someone registers makes it very, very 
>> likely that Agora can afford to pay eir welcome package.
>> The biggest issue, honestly, is the question of what happens when someone 
>> deregisters when Agora has fewer than 70 sh. in its coffers. That’s fixable; 
>> I suspect that destroying as many Shinies as possible, up to a maximum of 
>> the number needed to bring the total of all balances to the Shiny Supply 
>> Level, would work. Loosening the Treasuror’s obligation to “as part of eir 
>> monthly duties” without the constraint that it happen in the first week 
>> would allow the Treasuror to “catch up” Agora’s excess shinies in most cases.
>> -o
> --
> From V.J. Rada

>From V.J. Rada

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