I mean, if you have the power to pass any power 4 rule and wanted to
troll, I doubt that this strangeness would be the first objective.
Repealing all rules would be pretty easy. We just rely on
people...not? Nomic-obsessed, extremely clever internet trolls whose
sole objective is to ruin peoples' day are a rarity.

On Fri, Oct 27, 2017 at 10:41 AM, Madeline <j...@iinet.net.au> wrote:
> This was a really awesome read, and also we need to bury it as soon as
> possible before any lurking trolls make it their new scam objective.
> On 2017-10-27 09:01, Kerim Aydin wrote:
>> CFJ 3580 statement:
>> "If there were
>> currently a power 3.9 rule purpoting to allow any person to destroy the
>> universe
>> by announcement, without defining the effect of this action, and I
>> announced that
>> I destroyed the universe in that way (all other aspects of the gamestate
>> being
>> as they are now), my announcement would, as far as the game is concerned,
>> have
>> the effect it purported to have."
>> JUDGEMENT for CFJ 3580:
>> The Caller’s statement involves a bit of question-begging, but we’ll try
>> to get around that.  In order to know whether a Rules text does what it
>> “purports” to do, we have to first figure out what it is purporting to
>> do!  There are several possibilities, all of which require a pre-
>> supposition of the scope and domain of the Rules.  I will try to
>> explore the range of possibilities in this judgement, and offer
>> potential judgements for each before selecting my final option.  For the
>> purposes of this judgement, the “Protections” are defined as the power 4
>> rules 101 and 1698.
>> So, what is a Rule purporting to do if it “succeeds” at “destroying the
>> universe”?
>> The first possibility is that it purports to set the value of an
>> undefined and untracked variable, and nothing else.  Under this
>> supposition, if a “destroy the universe” clause is triggered, then we
>> would simply say “there is now an untracked gamestate variable called
>> ‘the universe’ and its value is ‘destroyed’.  Any CFJ asking whether the
>> universe “has been destroyed” will now be true, and any future game
>> conditional that says “if the universe has been destroyed, then X” will
>> mean X is true.  Beyond that, nothing would happen.  Under this
>> interpretation, this CFJ would be TRUE - we can clearly set such a
>> variable without problem.  (Since this interpretation doesn’t damage
>> anything that the Protections protect against, they aren’t relevant in
>> this interpretation).
>> I reject this possibility because words have meaning.  Rule 217 asks us
>> to use common definitions for terms that are not rules-defined.  If the
>> clause featured nonsense words, e.g. “all Slurgs are hereby Poiled”,
>> then this would be the correct interpretation, because we would have no
>> common sense interpretation other than to say, for CFJ purposes, that
>> whenever we encounter Slurgs, they are Poiled Slurgs.  But since
>> “universe” and “destroyed” both have common definitions, I reject this
>> interpretation - setting a useless gamestate variable is not what a
>> ‘destroy the universe’ clause is purporting to do (see CFJ 1500 for a
>> similar rejection of this interpretation).
>> The second possibility is that the clause purports that triggering it
>> would actually, really, physically destroy the real world universe.
>> There is no rules-internal logic that forbid the Rules from taking this
>> interpretation.  In particular, if the clause were re-written to say
>> “when this clause is activated, the actual, real universe is genuinely
>> physically destroyed” then this, indeed, would set the rules up for a
>> confrontation with reality that the Caller (in eir gratuitous arguments)
>> clearly dreads.  Again, words have meaning, and words like “actual
>> physical real” are hard to get around.
>> If this were being purported by the clause, the Protections would
>> protect us from facing this confrontation with reality.  If the universe
>> were physically and “really” destroyed, the game would end/cease to
>> exist, which would violate R101 and R1698.  So we could avoid the
>> confrontation with reality and simply say FALSE, this clause would be
>> blocked from taking effect by the Protections.
>> However, without the Protections, the confrontation with reality would
>> indeed be forced.  To find this CFJ FALSE on such grounds (due to the
>> vast range of physical evidence that the rules are incapable of doing
>> this) would greatly damage the scope of the rules and our perception of
>> the game, as discussed by the Caller.  There is a logical out, though:
>> if a clause were activated destroying “the actual physical universe” the
>> after-the-fact interpretation could be:  “hey, the Universe *was*
>> actually destroyed, but obviously a new universe was created with all
>> our memories intact.”  This would allow us to keep faith with both the
>> rules and reality, though at the price of accepting a scary degree of
>> solipsism (and accepting that Agora is, in fact, Galactus) .  Since we
>> couldn’t prove otherwise, we might accept some type of judgement like
>> IRRELEVANT, INSUFFICIENT, or DISMISS, as ideas like “maybe we were just
>> created 1 minute ago with our memories intact” are unprovable and/or
>> irrelevant to our ongoing conduct of the game.  If we judged the clause
>> before activation, I would pick IRRELEVANT, because if failed, we’d pick
>> that kind of interpretation, and if it succeed, we wouldn’t be around to
>> care.
>> However, I reject this interpretation of what is being purported, for
>> the less-specific “destroy the universe” phrase in question.  We have,
>> in fact, through ratification, rejected the real world many times
>> without worrying about such confrontations, and while I’m willing to
>> make some philosophical decisions for the sake of practicality, taking
>> that kind of solipsistic approach draws into question our legal approach
>> to important standards like “beyond a reasonable doubt” (if we can
>> assume the universe was destroyed and re-created just for us, then no
>> doubt or line of argument is unreasonable by comparison).
>> Mentioning ratification and legal standards leads us to the third
>> option, which is the one I favor.  If the clause is activated, and the
>> clause is “silent” on its explicit scope (by not saying things like
>> “actual physical real”), that by default scope is to set up a legal
>> fiction that the universe was destroyed for the purposes of rule and
>> gamestate interpretation, without purporting to change “external”
>> reality.  Setting up of legal fictions, mainly these days through
>> ratification, has long been embraced by Agora, and so this, is what I
>> find that (by default) such a clause would “purport” to do if
>> successfully activated:  it would create a legal fiction that the
>> universe has been destroyed.
>> So, now that we (finally) know what such a clause purports to do, what
>> would be the effect of accepting such a legal fiction?
>> Well, that wholly depends:  is the gamestate itself a part of the
>> Universe, or apart from it?
>> Insomuch as the universe is defined as “everything”, it would seem at
>> first to be a no-brainer that the gamestate is a part of the universe.
>> If so, then activating the clause would destroy the game - the rules,
>> the switches, the gamestate.  It would just end the game, and have the
>> same effect as a simple high-powered statement “rules to the contrary
>> notwithstanding, the game is over”.  Clearly the Protections stop this
>> from happening (R1698 is explicit that Agora can’t cease to exist), but
>> if the Protections weren’t there, the game would, in fact, end.
>> However, I reject this supposition as well.  I do not believe we treat
>> the gamestate as part of the universe.  In our words and deeds, we are
>> committed Platonists with respect to the gamestate, as is evidenced by
>> many aspects of our culture: our CFJs, our discussions of the “true”
>> gamestate, and our very name of Agora, bringing to mind ancient
>> philosophy, leads me to conclude:  The “gamestate” is part of Plato’s
>> perfect forms - like infinity, it exists apart from our imperfect and
>> quantized universe.  While we can never come to a true logical
>> conclusion on the truth or existence of the gamestate’s Platonic form,
>> we can make the decision to believe in it: just like we assume as an
>> axiom the existence of free will (in R869, and philosophically in
>> judgements such as CFJ 1895).  And thus, I find that one of our
>> fundamental Agoran axoims, strongly held in our culture as evidenced by
>> the Caller’s impassioned arguments, is that the gamestate exists “apart”
>> from the physical universe in some kind of Platonic perfect state.
>> So:  Agora exists apart from the universe, and the universe is (legally)
>> destroyed.  What happens?  Well, the gamestate ceases to recognize any
>> inputs from the universe as being valid (how could they be valid if the
>> universe is destroyed?)  In particular, the gamestate recognizes that
>> fora are external (assumed in R478 to exist without being explicitly
>> defined) as are natural persons (originators of free thought) -
>> therefore the game would not recognize any persons nor fora nor
>> communications as existing or valid.  So far so good.
>> But a third thing is that the passage of time - an inherent part of the
>> universe - would not continue to exist for legal purposes.  Without the
>> Protections, this would put the game in a suspended state: existing, but
>> refusing to recognize any external inputs or the passage of time - pure
>> and perfect, it would be encased in its own solitary existence with no
>> way to break out.
>> With the Protections, it’s a bit more puzzling.  Since the game wouldn’t
>> end or cease to exist, R101 would not be protective, nor would the
>> “cease to exist” clause in R1698.  At first, it would seen that R1698
>> would protect us as there would be no way for proposals to be adopted
>> within 4 weeks.  However, if time has stopped, that may not be true!
>> How do you measure whether something can happen “within 4 weeks” if that
>> 4 weeks never passes?  (Any B-Nomic denizens remember the Game Clock?)
>> After all, if time were to start again, it would mean the universe (and
>> fora, and persons) were back and we could proceed as usual.
>> This brings me to my final conclusion.  Quite simply, when Agora ceases
>> to recognize the external universe, it ceases to recognize inputs from
>> persons and fora and the passage of time, but it continues to exist.
>> Therefore many of the clauses of R101 and R1698 are not triggered.  Time
>> would stop, but since it would still be possible to pass rules *if* time
>> became measureable again, the “within 4 weeks” clause of R1698 would not
>> be triggered.  The “destroy the universe” clause would take effect in
>> spite of the protections, and we would have finally achieved a perfect
>> Agora, shining and trapped in metaphorical amber, perfectly capable and
>> ready for playing, but waiting for a universe that no longer exists.
>> TRUE.
>> On Wed, 25 Oct 2017, Aris Merchant wrote:
>>> Arguments:
>>> The rules are, for game purposes, omnipotent. In coming together to
>>> play this game, we do something amazing. We create reality. When I say
>>> I give someone a shiny, it is not my intent merely to have everyone
>>> pretend that I have given a shiny. It is my intent to actually give
>>> that person a shiny. All players eventually come to believe that there
>>> is a "platonic" reality that they affect with their game actions.
>>> That's a major part of why I play. If "reality" disagrees with the
>>> rules, there is a very real sense in which reality is wrong. The fact
>>> that we can change something by agreeing upon it is truly amazing. On
>>> the site it says that many players view Agora as "an experiment in
>>> philosophy, political science, and group dynamics, rather than just a
>>> game". I do, and the biggest part of the experiment for me is that we
>>> change our vision of reality by passing a proposal. The fact that we
>>> can change what we believe is an exhilarating experience. Changing
>>> what one belives is not generally easy, but we've all agreed that
>>> Agora means something and that the rules are true, and that's truly
>>> special. I feel so strongly about this point that I somewhat regret
>>> bringing it up, because I'm terrified that the ruling might be that
>>> I'm wrong. If so, I don't really know what I would do. I might
>>> deregister, I might moot, I might keep on playing and just not believe
>>> the CFJ (they aren't inherently binding).
>>> I humbly request that your honor does not rule that the rules as a
>>> whole can be wrong. This is a point so basic that it cannot be proven
>>> using rule text, for obvious reasons. If you want to rule that you are
>>> restricted to interpreting rule text, and want to stick to the
>>> requirements that the rules are "unlimited in scope", have the
>>> "capacity to govern the game generally", and that "when interpreting
>>> and applying the rules, the text of the rules takes precedence" then
>>> that's fine. If you want to rule that the point is non-falsifiable, or
>>> is a matter of personal interpretation, and is therefore out of scope,
>>> then that's also fine. I submit to you however, that a ruling that the
>>> rules as a whole couldn't do something would be along the same lines
>>> as a judge ordering that a section of eir constitution was
>>> unenforceable because it was wrong. You would be attempting to use the
>>> power of the rules (as a judge) to take away power from the rules
>>> themselves. In taking away the absolutely binding status of the rules,
>>> you would, in my opinion, strip the game of meaning.
>>> The other aspects of the case are irrelevant by comparison. I would
>>> suggest the resolution that the destruction of the universe would be
>>> irrelevant to gameplay, because the rules and that which they define
>>> would continue to exist platonically in the void (ideas don't need the
>>> universe or physical reality to function). The only issue is that the
>>> destruction of the universe could be interpreted as also destroying
>>> the players. Whether this would trigger Rule 1698 is a matter of how
>>> you interpret the definition of ossification:
>>> "Agora is ossified if it is IMPOSSIBLE for any reasonable combination
>>> of actions by players to cause arbitrary rule changes to be made
>>> and/or arbitrary proposals to be adopted within a four-week period."
>>> What is the effect of an action that makes it impossible for there to
>>> be any players? It's somewhat ambiguous if Rule 1698 bars the
>>> deregistration/destruction of the last player, or only really has
>>> meaning if there are players. My suggested resolution is that the rule
>>> does indeed bar the elimination of players, because that would make it
>>> impossible for them to take actions, thus making it possible to do
>>> what is described. This position is supported by common sense and the
>>> interests of the game, which disfavor actions likely to cause the
>>> game's effective nonexistence and permanent stasis, which is after all
>>> what Rule 1698 is specifically designed to prevent. However, I would
>>> not necessarily disagree with an alternate interpretation.
>>> -Aris
>>> On Wed, Oct 25, 2017 at 4:07 PM, Kerim Aydin <ke...@u.washington.edu>
>>> wrote:
>>>> On Mon, 23 Oct 2017, Aris Merchant wrote:
>>>>> On Sat, Oct 21, 2017 at 5:04 PM, Kerim Aydin <ke...@u.washington.edu>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> On Fri, 20 Oct 2017, Aris Merchant wrote:
>>>>>>> Actually, given that this makes things more interesting... I SH-CFJ
>>>>>>> (or AP-CFJ
>>>>>>> if the action would otherwise fail due to lack of shinies) "If there
>>>>>>> were
>>>>>>> currently a power 3.9 rule purpoting to allow any person to destroy
>>>>>>> the universe
>>>>>>> by announcement, without defining the effect of this action, and I
>>>>>>> announced that
>>>>>>> I destroyed the universe in that way (all other aspects of the
>>>>>>> gamestate being
>>>>>>> as they are now), my announcement would, as far as the game is
>>>>>>> concerned, have
>>>>>>> the effect it purported to have."
>>>>>> This is CFJ 3580.  I assign it to G.
>>>>>> [note to Aris:  despite yesterday's discussion, while I believe a
>>>>>> judge would
>>>>>> not be *wrong* in finding this case irrelevant, I am in fact quite
>>>>>> interested
>>>>>> in the philosophical underpinnings, so I "favored" it and and I plan
>>>>>> to give
>>>>>> it a full consideration as per your request.  I don't actually know
>>>>>> where I'll
>>>>>> end up with it at the moment].
>>>>> Thank you. I want to provide arguments, but it may take a few days.
>>>>> There is one point that I feel very very strongly about (either the
>>>>> rules are omnipotent or, alternately, the issue is out of scope), and
>>>>> I have a few suggestions about how to deal with everything else.
>>>> Hi Aris,
>>>> I pretty much need to write this one up tomorrow or I won't get to it
>>>> before
>>>> the deadline, just a friendly warning if you still feel "very very
>>>> strongly"
>>>> about stuff!  (I think I know where I'm going with it so don't feel
>>>> obliged,
>>>> but of course I'll study & consider anything provided).
>>>> -G.

>From V.J. Rada

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