On Tue, 3 Oct 2017 at 16:32 Kerim Aydin <ke...@u.washington.edu> wrote:

> It looks like *all* entities, anywhere, ever, have a voting strength
> of 1 on decisions to adopt proposals, as per here in R2422:
>                   If not otherwise specified, the voting strength of
>       an entity on an Agoran decision is 1.
> However, what keeps non-players from voting is in R683:
>       An entity submits a ballot on an Agoran decision by publishing a
>       notice satisfying the following conditions:
>       [...]
>       2. The entity casting the ballot (the voter) was, at the
>          initiation of the decision, a player.
> Is this correct interpretation?  Or is there something elsewhere that
> sets non-players' voting power to 0?
> -G.

That sounds right to me. Except we now have confusion with multiple
conflicting definitions of eligible voters... I'll try to resolve that
after all relevant proposals (notably my campaign one) are resolved.

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