You're right, the rules are strangely different as to deregistration.
Probably because it has consequences by barring you from registering for a
while. I think when playing a game, the form "I'll do X" is acceptable as
"I do X". eg: "I'll go to attacks" is always interpreted as "I go to
attacks" in the card game I have played, and is a normal form.

I'm only arguing this because if CB is deregistering out of embarrassment
it is unlikely that they will check their nomic-using email for a while,
and waiting two months isn't optimal to deregister em.

The pledge theory isn't bad either.

On Fri, Jul 21, 2017 at 4:21 PM, Alex Smith <>

> On Fri, 2017-07-21 at 16:17 +1000, V.J Rada wrote:
> > CFJ: (at the time of calling) Cuddlebeam is a player.
> >
> > Are "I'll deregister" and "I think its better for the both of us if I
> dereg
> > for now."
> > unambiguous intent to deregister?
> This is irrelevant, unambiguously intending to deregister doesn't
> actually deregister you, only acting by announcement does that.
> At most, you could perhaps argue that it implicitly creates a pledge.
> --
> ais523

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