Here are 5 proto proposals, I intend to submit and pend them shortly - lmk if you have any feedbacks. KTHX.
Proposal: "Gentle Judicial Updates" AI=1.7, co-author='grok' mess="Cuddlebeam proved judges can hold up a judgement if they don't feel qualified to judge" {{{ Create a new rule entitled 'Recusal' Power = 1 with the following text {{{ A judge may recuse emself from a CFJ they are assigned to. When a judge recuses emself from a CFJ the following happens: 1 - The CFJ becomes unassigned 2 - The recused judge becomes ineligible to be assigned as a judge for a week. 3 - The recused judge SHOULD suggest another judge for the CFJ to make the Arbitor's job easier. }}} Update rule 591 by replacing: {{{ The valid judgements, based on the facts of the case at the time the CFJ was initiated, are TRUE, FALSE, and DISMISS. DISMISS is appropriate if the statement is malformed, undecidable, irrelevant to the game, if insufficient information exists to make a judgement with reasonable effort, or the statement is otherwise not able to be answered TRUE or FALSE. }}} with {{{ The valid judgements for an inquiry case are as follows, based on the truth or falsity of the statement at the time the inquiry case was initiated (if its truth value changed at that time, then its initial truth value is used): * FALSE, appropriate if the statement was factually and logically false * TRUE, appropriate if the statement was factually and logically true * IRRELEVANT, appropriate if the veracity of the statement is not relevant to the game or is an overly hypothetical extrapolation of the game or its rules to conditions that don't actually exist, or if it can be trivially determined from the outcome of another (possibly still undecided) judicial case that was not itself judged IRRELEVANT * INSUFFICIENT, appropriate if the statement does not come with supporting arguments or evidence, and the judge feels as if an undue burden is being placed on em by the lack of arguments and evidence. A CFJ judged INSUFFICIENT CAN and SHOULD be asked again with sufficient arguments/evidence. * DISMISS, appropriate if the statement is malformed, undecidable, if insufficient information exists to make a judgement with reasonable effort, or the statement is otherwise not able to be answered with another valid judgement. }}} }}} ---------- Proposal: "Cards are power 1.7" AI = 1.7 Mess = "These card rules as written just don't function" {{{ Change the power of rule (Bankruptcy) to 1.7 Change the power of rule 2451 (Executive Orders) to 1.7 }} ---------- Proposal: "Trivia(l)" AI = 3 co-author='Aris, Ørjan' Mess = "It's expensive to fix typos and make other small changes" {{{ Create a new rule entitled `Trivial Proposals` Power=1.1 with the following text {{{ Some proposals have minimal consequences, and thus should cost a minimal amount to pend, these proposals are known as Trivial Proposals. A player may pend a Trivial Proposal by paying 1 Shiny to Agora without Objection. }}} Update rule 2438 Replacing the paragraphs {{{ Red (R): When a proposal is adopted and changes at least one rule with Power >= 3, its proposer earns a Red Ribbon. Orange (O): When a proposal is adopted via an Agoran Decision on which no valid votes were AGAINST, its proposer earns an Orange Ribbon. }}} with {{{ Red (R): When a non-trivial proposal is adopted and changes at least one rule with Power >= 3, its proposer earns a Red Ribbon. Orange (O): When a non-trivial proposal is adopted via an Agoran Decision on which no valid votes were AGAINST, its proposer earns an Orange Ribbon. }}} }}} ---------- Proposal: "Betterer Pledges" AI=1.7 Coauthor='G., Gaelan, Aris, 天火狐' Mess="Without time restrictions you can't actually break a pledge" {{{ Replace the text of Rule 2450 with the following: {{{ Breaking a publicly-made pledge is a cardable offense. If a publicly-made pledge says that the creator of a pledge will do something, without providing a time limit, then e SHALL in a timely manner in order to not break said pledge. A player CANNOT make any pledge that would create new obligations for any other person or office, without the other party's explicit consent. }}} }}} ---------- Proposal "Why should outsiders be able to Object?" AI=1.2 Mess="Objections can come from unaffected parties" {{{ In Rule 2460 replace the text {{{ A member of an Organization CAN flip that Organization's Charter without objection }}} with {{{ A member of an Organization CAN flip that Organization's Charter without the objection of any of its members }}} }}}