This is my draft report. I'm starting to get a little fed up with all of the proposal hanging around in the pool. I was waiting for people to get payed before I started complaining too much, but the June payday has come and gone. The ratio of pool proposals to pending proposals is absurd, even if I've missed a few pends or withdrawals. There is no need to put a proposal into the pool until it is ready to be pended. It serves no purpose, and just creates more record keeping for the Promotor. If you want to solicit public comment, that's all well and good, but you can do it with a proto on a-d, which is probably more effective anyway. If this keeps up, we may need to shorten the time window for pending proposals and/or levy fines. Sorry for the rant, but it gets on my nerves having to deal with all these proposals that will probably never actually help Agora by being distributed for a vote.
-Aris The proposal pool currently contains the following proposals: ID Author(s) AI Title --------------------------------------------------------------------------- pp1 P.S.S [1] 1.0 Agora's To-Do List (v2/ov1) pp2 Ienpw III 1.0 Reader's Digest pp3 Quazie 1.7 Issuing Cards is secured...[2] pp4 G., [3] 1.7 Betterer Pledges, (BBoRWCDaPWDaLoEWSWW) pp5 Gaelan 1.0 No Sneakiness pp6 o, Aris 2.0 Deregistration and Assets pp7 nichdel 1.2 Organization Integration and Stamp Collecting pp8 Gaelan 1.0 Sequential Numbering pp9 Gaelan 1.5 State of the Union pp10 Gaelan, [4] 2.0 Judicial Reform v2 Legend: <ID>* : Proposal is pending. [1] Publius Scribonius Scholasticus [2] ...with power threshold 1.7. [3] Gaelan, Aris, 天火狐 [4] Aris, Quazie The Pending List Price (PLP) is 6 shinies. The Pending Minimum Price (PMP) is 5 shinies. The full text of the aforementioned proposals is included below. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ID: 7858 Title: Fast Resolution, now working Adoption Index: 3.0 Author: Gaelan Co-author(s): Amend rule 107 “Initiating Agoran Decisions” by replacing { The voting period lasts for 7 days. The minimum voting period for a decision with at least two options is five days. } with { Unless specified by another rule with power greater than or equal to 2, the voting period lasts for 7 days and the minimum voting period for a decision with at least two options is five days. } Create rule "Fast Resolution" (Power 2) { For the purposes of this rule, an Agoran Decision's Pertinent Information is the set of all information that the vote collector must use to determine the result of the decision. If, for an Agoran Decison: 1. It has enough votes so that its result cannot be changed by any combination of votes from players that have not yet voted (assuming no new players register and no votes are withdrawn), and 2. None of its Pertinent Information has changed in the past 24 hours, Then any player may cause its voting period to end immediately by announcement. } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ID: pp1 Title: Agora's To-Do List (v2/ov1) Adoption index: 1.0 Author: Publius Scribonius Scholasticus Co-author(s): Enact a rule titled, "To-Do List", reading: "Any player MAY without two objection add an item to the to-do list with a specified number of Shinies associated with it. Any to-do list item must have a clear set of requirements for completion. The to-do list shall be maintained by the Lister. Any person MAY complete an item on the to-do list and claim the specified number of Shinies associated with it by notifying the Lister of their completion of the task. If the Lister agrees with the claimee, the Lister shall without two objection pay the claimee the specified number of Shinies from Agora. Any disagreement regarding completion shall be resolved via a CFJ. After an item has been completed, the Lister shall remove it from the to-do list." Enact a rule titled, "The Office of the Lister", reading: "The Lister is an office; its holder is responsible for maintaining the to-do of Agora. The Lister's Weekly report includes the current state of the Agoran to-do list and any recent events thereof." ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ID: pp2 Title: Reader's Digest Adoption index: 1.0 Author: Ienpw III Co-author(s): Enact a new rule entitled "Reader's Digest": { There exists an elected office called Digestive System. "Digestibility" is a singleton switch tracked by the Digestive System with possible values "MONTHLY" and "WEEKLY"; the Digestive System can flip this by announcement. The Digestive System SHALL regularly issue a report which accurately summarizes the state and activities of Agoranomic throughout the relevant period. This report need not be comprehensive, but will contain that information, as assessed by the Digestive System, which would be of the greatest relevance or importance for a player who had been inattentive to the state of the nomic during the relevant period. If Digestibility is MONTHLY, the relevant period is the preceding month; if it is WEEKLY, it is the preceding week. } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ID: pp3 Title: Issuing Cards is secured with power threshold 1.7. Adoption index: 1.7 Author: Quazie Co-author(s): Change the power of rule (Bankruptcy) to 1.7 Change the power of rule 2451 (Executive Orders) to 1.7 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ID: pp4 Title: Betterer Pledges, (BBoRWCDaPWDaLoEWSWW) Adoption index: 1.7 Author: Quazie Co-author(s): G., Gaelan, Aris, 天火狐 Replace the text of Rule 2450 with the following: {{{ Breaking a publicly-made pledge is a cardable offense. If a publicly-made pledge says that the creator of a pledge will do something, without providing a time limit, then e SHALL do so in a timely manner in order to not break said pledge. A player CANNOT make any pledge that would create new obligations for any other person or office, without the other party's explicit consent. }}} ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ID: pp5 Title: No Sneakiness Adoption index: 1.0 Author: Gaelan Co-author(s): Create a rule “No Sneakiness” with the following text: { If the rules specify that an action may be performed by sending a message to a public forum, any attempts to perform the action in a way that is clearly intended to prevent others from detecting the action (such as by embedding it in another, longer message) are INEFFECTIVE. } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ID: pp6 Title: Deregistration and Assets Adoption index: 2.0 Author: o Co-author(s): Aris Amend rule 2485, "You can't take it with you", by changing its title to "You Can't Take It With You", then by changing the text to read, in full: "Heir" is a person switch, tracked by the Registrar, whose value is either Agora (the default value), or a player other than emself, or an Organization. A player may flip eir Heir by announcement. When a player is deregistered, e automatically pays all of eir Shinies and transfers all of eir Estates to eir Heir, immediately before deregistration. Amend rule 2461 ("Death and Birth of Organizations") by changing its power to 2, then by adding the following paragraph between the paragraph beginning "If an Organization's Income is ever lower [...]" and the paragraph beginning "If a player's Expenditure is at most [...]": Immediately before an Organization is destroyed, it automatically pays all of its Shinies to Agora, and transfers all of its Estates to Agora. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ID: pp7 Title: Organization Integration and Stamp Collecting Adoption index: 1.2 Author: nichdel Co-author(s): Amend "Organizations" by replacing the second, third, and fourth paragraphs with: Players may become members of an organization by announcement as specified by the charter of the organization. Players may stop being a member of an organization by announcement. An organization may cause any player to stop being a member as specified in its charter. [Remove Budget and make org membership more flexible.] Amend "Death and Birth of Organizations to read, in full: The Administrative Fee is 5 shinies. An organization is "In Bad Standing" if it a) has no members or b) was not created this month and has not paid the Administrative Fee to Agora. If an organization is In Bad Standing for more than 7 days, then any player CAN destroy it by announcement, and the Secretary SHALL do so in a timely fashion if the situation persists. Any player CAN create an Organization by announcement by paying the Administrative Fee to Agora and specifying a name for the Organization that is unique among Organizations and a Charter. [Replaces Budget with the Administrative Fee. Combined with giving org's more control over their membership, it allows for orgs to raise money and pay the fee in whichever way seems appropriate to them. Also removed the limits on org membership and creation, because the price should be a good enough limiters.] Amend "Organization Restructuring" by removing the text "Budget or", and removing the paragraph starting with "2.", then changing "3." to "2.". [Budget cleanup] Enact a power 1 rule titled "Stamps" with the following text: Stamps are a type of asset tracked by the Secretary. Each Stamp is identified by the person or organization that created the Stamp. Stamps created by the same person or organization are fungible. The Stamp Price is always 4 times the current Pending List Price. Once per month any player MAY, by announcement, pay Agora the Stamp Price, in shinies, to create one Stamp in eir possession. Once per month any player MAY, by announcement and as specified by the organization's charter, pay Agora the Stamp Price, in shinies, to create one Stamp in its possession. Any player MAY, by announcement, destroy a specified Stamp in eir possession. Any player MAY, by announcement and as specified by the organization's charter, destroy a specified Stamp in its possession. Whenever an organization or player destroys a Stamp in eir possession, Agora SHALL pay em the Stamp Price. When a player has in eir possession at least one Stamp created by 15 different players or organizations then e may win by announcement, specifying each stamp e possesses. When a player does so successfully, all Stamps in eir possession are destroyed. [This implements what I described previously. Stamps are both a speculative currency, with a changing value month-to-month, and a valuable win condition. Also note that with the org changes, a single player could create all the Stamps e needs, but it'd be more expensive than gaining them via trade due to the Administrative fee.] ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ID: pp8 Title: Sequential Numbering Adoption index: 1.0 Author: Gaelan Co-author(s): Create the rule “Sequential Numbering,” power 1: { When the Rulekeepor adds a new rule to the ruleset, e SHALL give it an ID number one higher than the highest ever assigned. } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ID: pp9 Title: State of the Union Adoption index: 1.5 Author: Gaelan Co-author(s): Create the power-1.5 rule “Internal State” with this text: { An Agency or Organization’s Internal State is state that is defined by the Agency or Organization’s text (Power or Charter), but not by any rules. An Agency or Organization has a Responsible Player for each part of its Internal State; the Responsible Player SHALL publish a weekly report describing that state. The portion of such a report that describes this state is self-ratifying. The responsible player for all of an Agency’s state is that agency’s Head. An Organization’s Charter must define a Responsible Player for all of its state; any player can destroy an organization which does not do so with 1 week Notice. } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ID: pp10 Title: Judicial Reform v2 Adoption index: 2.0 Author: Gaelan Co-author(s): Aris, Quazie Amend R991 “Calls for Judgement” by replacing the last paragraph with { “Judge Status” is a player switch tracked by the Arbitor in eir monthly report, with valid values of “Narrow” (default) and “Wide.” A player may flip eir own Judge Status by announcement. When a CFJ has no judge assigned, the Arbitor CAN assign any player to be its judge by announcement, and SHALL do so within a week, but CANNOT do so if fewer than 2 days have passed since the CFJ was initiated. The players eligible to be assigned as judge are players except the initiator and the person barred (if any) who fulfill one of these requirements: 1. Eir Judge Status is set to Narrow, and they have publicly declared Interest in the CFJ. 2. Eir Judge Status is set to Wide, and they have not publicly declared Disinterest in the CFJ. The Arbitor SHALL assign judges over time such that all interested players have reasonably equal opportunities to judge. If a CFJ has no judge assigned, then any player eligible to judge that CFJ CAN assign it to emself Without 3 Objections. If there are no eligible judges for a CFJ for a period of 2 weeks, any player CAN judge it as DISMISS with 2 days Notice. } For all players who have been assigned a CFJ within the past 2 weeks, flip their Judge Status to Wide. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////