On Fri, 2 Jun 2017, Alex Smith wrote:
> On Thu, 2017-06-01 at 23:51 +0000, Quazie wrote:
> > Also, anyone have any idea what obligations exist on me if the
> > current set of laurelled players aren't players (they have since
> > deregistered)?
> > 
> > For reference:
> > {{{
> > The player or players who have most recently won the game are
> > called Laureled. If at any time the office of Speaker is vacant,
> > or when one or more players win Agora, then the Prime Minister
> > CAN and SHALL, once and in a timely fashion, appoint a Laureled
> > player to the office of Speaker.
> > }}}
> Impossible SHALL.

Actually, that's only if there are no past champions registered 
whatsoever.  If the winners from the most recent victory aren't
players, then "players who have most recently won" is from the win 
before that, and so on, going back indefinitely.

Unfortunately dates of winning aren't preserved so it would take
some archeology...

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