On Wed, 31 May 2017, Quazie wrote: > Thus switches are regulated to being defined by the rules. > > Thus switches can only be defined by the rules. > > Thus switches can't exist on Agencies and Organizations as the > rules don't define them to exist within those constructs.
In the old contract era, we used to have some rule that said definitions within contracts (currencies, switches, etc.) generally follow some kind of common-sense mapping to rules definitions (in terms of function, not tracking). > Thus the switches in question don't exist, or at least aren't switches. They aren't *rules defined* switches. They may be Agency-defined switches which might have a common-sense mapping (even if the above contract rule no longer exists), or might have some tortured relationship to the real-world definition of switch. Just ideas for consideration here; I think your overall analysis is sound. > Thus there are no switches for the Registrar to track. This part in particular is spot-on. However those other switches function (if they do), I think the Registrar tracking is only true for rules-defined ones.