On Thu, 25 May 2017, Aris Merchant wrote:
> On Thu, May 25, 2017 at 12:47 PM, grok (caleb vines)
> <grokag...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > On Thu, May 25, 2017 at 2:37 PM, Publius Scribonius Scholasticus
> > <p.scribonius.scholasti...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> >>
> >> I am already trying to do this some with the Herald and I see no need to
> >> add a new office, so I would be happy to take this up informally to go 
> >> along
> >> with the Herald. As to the funding, we could set this up through donations
> >> with a pseudo-trust set up with a pledge.
> >
> >
> > Your efforts as Herald are appreciated, but the Herald already does have a
> > ton of responsibilities and you wear a lot of hats now. Plus that University
> > Director role would also be well-kept by a long-tenured Player or person,
> > while the Herald role doesn't necessarily need someone with years of
> > experience or deep deep CFJ knowledge. I think it would be a great shift to
> > distribute those responsibilities so we maintain a kind of "levels" of
> > experience required for certain offices.
> I disagree. The Herald is already basically a historian, in charge of
> keeping track of Agoran history through titles, theises, and degrees.
> I don't see why a new office in needed for this.

In principle I think this fits very well into the Herald's general area; the
question is really how much new stuff is being added and therefore how much 
and how you want the theme to evolve.  And as a society, I think it's nice to
spread employment around, *provided* we have willing hands.  If a player without
a job has a keen idea, it's good to spread the joy of office duties around, as
long as it doesn't become dormant right away, like the Reporter did (and if
it does become dormant, the Herald can always run for election for the new

Interestingly, for a long time the responsibility was elsewhere, from R1370/13:
      The Rulekeepor shall retain a copy of each Final Thesis.

As an example of theme-evolution, the Herald used to be the Referee-equivalent,
because we considered the punishments to be a matter of lost honor, and past
version of cards were implemented as "negative" patent titles.  Split off
because of the workload, and once split on it gradually lost its connection to

Someone (I forget who?) protoed a Historian office sometime in the last several

Speaking of workload, I remind the Herald of the Silver Quill for Jan 2017, 
that never happened :).

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