If we wanted to dive all in, I would be all for theming this in an academic manner and putting more of an emphasis on scholarship and degrees, I just don't want to do it half way.
---- Publius Scribonius Scholasticus On Thu, May 25, 2017 at 3:40 PM, Kerim Aydin <ke...@u.washington.edu> wrote: > > > On Thu, 25 May 2017, CuddleBeam wrote: > > Rule XXXX > > University Director: > > You know, while I think the emerging economy is great and don't want to > distract from > it, it's been a while since we've had a theme, and the economy is sort of > generic as > a theme. > > An elaborated Grants/Departments/scholarship theme is one we've never > tried, I think. > > Maybe to the extent of replacing the political power system; we've been > doing Prime > Minsters and the like *forever*. We've done - hmm - economic Oligarchs, > Kings/Revolutions, > successions, and Papal hierarchies. But not academic ones. To prevent > takeovers, we've > defined longstanding players as Senators and other classifications, but > we've never granted > Tenure. > > (of course, this would be done while taking care to promote actual > scholarship work, and > not make essays, theses, etc. subject to gamesmanship). > > > >