There’s a related question: which offices have outlived their utility, and 
could be either eliminated or replaced with a lighter system?

> On May 15, 2017, at 5:19 PM, Nic Evans <> wrote:
> I intend to deputize for ADoP to publish eir report.
> Once I'm ADoP (assuming Gumball doesn't step in to stop me) I intend to
> begin elections for each office, and would like to go through the
> following process:
> 1) Right now and until the first election begins, I would appreciate if
> every player submitted eir opinions on the most difficult and the most
> important offices.

My sense is that the top three most important offices, in descending order:

1. The Distributor,
2. The Assessor, and
3. The Rulekeepor.

These three offices, working in concert, make it possible to reason about the 
rules of Agora at any point in time. If any of the three should fall idle, the 
game is effectively on hold until someone deputizes for the office and gets 
things moving again. The game can function without most other offices, but if 
proposals can no longer be turned into rules, or if the only way to understand 
the rules is through a full reckoning of all past proposal actions, then the 
game is unplayable.

I would estimate that the top three most difficult offices, again in descending 
order, would be

1. The Rulekeepor,
2. The Assessor, and
3. The Referee.

These are the offices most exposed to complicated player actions, either 
through proposals (which are difficult instruments at the best of times), 
through complicated voting decisions, or through needing a comprehensive 
understanding of the rules and being able to spot not only breaches by action, 
but also breaches by inaction.

> I also recommend that we pause all other proposals, except for those
> already pending and those intended only to fix or simplify gameplay,
> until this process is complete.


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