On Sun, 10 Jul 2016, nichdel wrote:

> Here's my idea of a fix for deputisation: make special deputisation a
> 'type' of deputisation and separate 'deputisation' into 'normal' and
> 'expedient' where normal works mostly as before and expedient allows
> changes without intent announcement if the office is empty or the duty
> is more than two weeks late.
> I submit the following proposal:

I like allowing for special deputization elsewhere.  But I think that
having 'normal' and 'expedited' as wholly separated processes is unneeded 
complication.  How about just amending (c) in the first part like this:

>      (c) The deputy announced between two and fourteen days earlier
>          that e intended to deputise for that office for the
>          purposes of the particular action.


>      (c) Either (i) The deputy announced between two and fourteen days
            earlier that e intended to deputise for that office for the
            purposes of the particular action; or (ii) the office is
            vacant; or (iii) the aforementioned time limit expired more
            than 14 days ago.

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