On Tue, 2014-11-04 at 20:35 +0100, Luis Ressel wrote:
> I deputize for the Tailor to publish his report:

Was this just to snipe the Ribbon, or do you want the office more

I'd be willing to take Tailor (although I'm planning a certain large
proposal that will need an officer, and may need to take that job

Here's the Tailor's Report I've been working on:
This is a list of all persons with Ribbons, and which ribbons they have:

aranea        C       W
Sprocklem     C

The rules for Ribbons are set out in rule 2438. A quick guide to how
most Ribbons work: various events cause you to "earn" a Ribbon; you
then "qualify for" that Ribbon for 7 days. While you qualify for a
Ribbon (and do not already own that Ribbon, and have not owned it
recently), any player can "award" you that Ribbon. A few Ribbons
work differently; see rule 2438 for details.

Approximate summary of how each type of Ribbon can be gained:
+R Author a proposal that is adopted, amending a Power-3+ rule
+O Author a proposal that is unanimously adopted
+G Hold an elected office for 30 days with no late duties
+C Deputise for an office
+B Judge a CFJ without violating time limits to do so
+M Acknowldge Agora's Birthday
+U Become Champion (typically by winning the game)
+V Gain a Patent Title (except Champion, degrees)
+I Gain a degree
+P Become the Speaker
+L Coauthor three adopted proposals within 7 days
+W Never have had a White Ribbon, or be gifted one by someone who
   has never gifted a White Ribbon
+K Awardable only by proposal or scam

History of Ribbon holdings:

04/11/14 aranea    +W (new to Ribbons)
04/11/14 aranea    +C (deputizing for Tailor)
06/11/14 Sprocklem +W (new to Ribbons)

Even if you keep on with the job rather than passing it on to me, you
might find some of the verbiage handy (it's similar to what was used
under previous Ribbons rulesets).


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