Right. Mailman is really "vintage" code... The list should now: - rewrite date headers to be the actual time of receipt, as briefly attempted before; - include a new X-Timestamp header to provide additional precision if required; - by default, only send back copies of list mail if the subject was changed. You can change this back to always on the list options page. (If you had previously chosen never to receive copies, you don't need to set that again.)
The last bit may be important if you don't use Gmail. If you do, the behavior should be the same, which is the point: Gmail treats copies sent back with changed headers as new replies, which would previously only happen if the subject was changed, but now always happens because the date is always (well, usually) changed. Hopefully this creates a single obvious meaning for "the time date-stamped on that message" in R478, so we can finally stop arguing about the timing of messages. ;p