On 26 Jun 2013, at 03:05, Aaron Goldfein <aarongoldf...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Agora XX seems to be a huge success. I do think that we should go
> ahead and end it on the 30th as we planned, but I would like to bring
> it back in the future. This proposal provides for the game to be
> played each year from the start of June until the start of Agora's
> birthday. Each subsequent year scores are reset, but the ruleset picks
> up where we left off.
> I submit the following proposal:
> Amend Rule 326 to read:
> Each year on June 30th at 00:04:30 UTC +1200 , the game shall end, and
> the Voter with the most points shall win. In case of a tie, all such
> Voters shall win simultaneously. At this time, no game actions may be
> taken and all timers shall pause. Each year on June 1st at 00:00 UTC
> the game shall resume and each player shall have eir points set to 0.
> At this time game actions may again be taken and all timers shall
> resume.

I vote in favour. We might want to provide for the playerbase to be reset to 
prevent quorum inflation. 

-- Walker

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