Agora XX seems to be a huge success. I do think that we should go ahead and end it on the 30th as we planned, but I would like to bring it back in the future. This proposal provides for the game to be played each year from the start of June until the start of Agora's birthday. Each subsequent year scores are reset, but the ruleset picks up where we left off.
I submit the following proposal: Amend Rule 326 to read: Each year on June 30th at 00:04:30 UTC +1200 , the game shall end, and the Voter with the most points shall win. In case of a tie, all such Voters shall win simultaneously. At this time, no game actions may be taken and all timers shall pause. Each year on June 1st at 00:00 UTC the game shall resume and each player shall have eir points set to 0. At this time game actions may again be taken and all timers shall resume.