Updated version that allows for multiple words, but at a high (and
quadratic) cost, introduces a hand limit of 10, and tweaks the

Proto: Spelling abuse capitalisation VLOP 2.0 (co-author=ais523, Bayes)

Amend Rule 2389 (Ordinary Chamber) to read:

      Ordinary is a Voting Chamber.

      Lexicographor is an office.  Racks are a class of fixed assets
      tracked by the Lexicographor and restricted to players.  Keyword
      is a Rack switch, tracked by the Lexicographor, whose value is a
      string of case-sensitive letters, and default is "".  If a
      first-class player ever has no Racks, one is created in eir
      possession with Keyword "E".  A player CAN spend N*X Yaks to
      create a Rack in eir possession by announcement, where N is the
      number of Racks in eir possession and X is the value of the Rack
      Fee, a Budget Switch.

      A player's VLOP is the sum of the number of letters in eir
      Racks' Keywords; the Lexicographor's report includes each
      player's VLOP.  The voting limit of an eligible voter on an
      Ordinary Decision is eir VLOP if e is a payer, or 1 otherwise.

      Tiles are a class of assets tracked by the Lexicographor and
      restricted to players.  Each Tile is labeled with an English
      letter from A to Z.  When an entity becomes eligible for a
      number of Tiles, the Lexicographor CAN once, by announcement,
      and SHALL in a timely fashion:
      (1) destroy Tiles in eir possession as necessary until e has no
          more than 10 (e SHALL pick which Tiles to destroy randomly),
      (2) award em the number of Tiles e became eligible for,
          specifying the new Tiles' letters (e SHALL pick the letters

      Every week, each first-class player becomes eligible for 2
      Tiles.  When a first-class person registers, e becomes eligible
      for 5 Tiles.

      A player CAN spend X Yaks to become eligible for 3 Tiles, where
      X is the value of the Tile Fee, a Budget Switch, by

      A player CAN spend 5 Tiles to become eligible for 3 Tiles by

      An eligible word is a string of letters found as a word in
      either the text of a Rule or the English Open Word List, case
      insensitively.  The following actions CAN be taken by
      announcement, but only if the resulting Keyword is an eligible

      - A player CAN spend a Tile to add its letter to a specified
        Rack's Keyword in lowercase.

      - A player CAN spend a Tile to remove its letter once from a
        specified Rack's Keyword in lowercase.

      - A player CAN spend 2 Tiles to move an instance of one of the
        Tiles' letters in lowercase within a specified Rack's Keyword.

      - A player CAN spend any number of Tiles to append their letters
        capitalized in any order to one of eir own Racks' Keywords.

      - A player CAN spend 3 Tiles to add an arbitrary letter
        capitalized to one of eir own Racks' Keywords.

      - A player CAN spend 2 Tiles to remove any number of consecutive
        letters from one of eir own Racks' Keywords.

      Note: The English Open Word List can be found at

Set the Tile Fee to 80 and the Rack Fee to 300.

Upon the adoption of this proposal, each player becomes eligible for 5 Tiles.

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