Proto: Spelling abuse capitalisation VLOP 2.0 (co-author=ais523, Bayes) Amend Rule 2389 (Ordinary Chamber) to read:
Ordinary is a Voting Chamber. Lexicographor is an office. Keyword is a player switch, tracked by the Lexicographor, whose value is a string of case-sensitive letters, and default is "E". The voting limit of an eligible voter on an Ordinary Decision is the number of letters in eir Keyword, or 1 if e is not a player. Tiles are a class of assets tracked by the Lexicographor. Each Tile is labeled with a letter from A to Z. When an entity becomes eligible for a number of Tiles, the Lexicographor CAN once award em that number of Tiles by announcements, specifying the new Tiles' letters, and SHALL do so in a timely fashion, picking the letters randomly. Every week, each player becomes eligible for 2 Tiles. When a person registers, e becomes eligible for 5 Tiles. A player CAN spend X Yaks to become eligible for 5 Tiles, where X is the value of the Tile Fee, a Budget Switch. A player CAN spend 5 Tiles to become eligible for 4 Tiles. An eligible word is a string of letters found as a word in either the ruleset or the English Open Word List, case insensitively. The following actions CAN be taken only if the resulting Keyword is an eligible word: - A player CAN spend a Tile to add its letter to a specified player's Keyword in lowercase. - A player CAN spend a Tile to remove its letter once from a specified player's Keyword in lowercase. - A player CAN spend any number of Tiles to append their letters capitalized in any order to eir own Keyword. - A player CAN spend 3 Tiles to add an arbitrary letter capitalized to eir own Keyword. - A player CAN spend 2 Tiles to remove any number of consecutive arbitrary letters from eir own Keyword. Upon the adoption of this proposal, each player becomes eligible for 5 Tiles.