On Thu, 1 Nov 2012, Klaus Herrmanns wrote:
> So what is currently going on in Agora? After some time spent browsing recent
> mail
> archives and CFJs I'm not quite sure whether the game is in a post-scam
> reorientation
> phase (still trying to figure out whether the scam succeeded and how to clean
> up), or
> whether there is a twmporary lull in activities or whether Agora is being
> played at a
> rather leisurely pace even in normal times thrwe days.
Hi Kolja,
My "welcome back" message was swallowed by the ether. So again, welcome back!
Before the scam, gameplay was particularly slow, because we didn't have a
economy, or particularly compelling gameplay system going on; the ones that
were tried
over the last several months (golems, promises, and rubles) have really not
into much. There have been several conversations trying to get something
going, but
nothing much that's just worked.
The scam was pretty complicated but I think most people just decided to go even
quieter and wait to see if it worked. I think consensus was it didn't, at
the CFJs that said it didn't haven't been appealed. Of course, the scam tried
introduce a new system that probably would have been good to get us unstuck.
Finally, Murphy (Assessor and CotC) has been particularly slow at official
over the last few months, and the Promotor has changed hands a couple times also
due to slowness, so that extra drag hasn't helped at all - not that I've
to be quick about Heraldry, what with uncertainty and all.
I started the Brainfuck Golf contest a couple weeks ago just for something to
which had interest in people posting but so far few entries.
-G. (formerly Goethe).