On Thu, 2012-11-01 at 11:51 -0700, Klaus Herrmanns wrote:
> Hi,
> So what is currently going on in Agora? After some time spent browsing
> recent mail archives and CFJs I'm not quite sure whether the game is
> in a post-scam reorientation phase (still trying to figure out whether
> the scam succeeded and how to clean up), or whether there is a
> twmporary lull in activities or whether Agora is being played at a
> rather leisurely pace even in normal times thrwe days.
> What's your take on this?
> Klaus

As far as I can tell, there was a lull (it's reasonably slow these days
anyway, but more so than normal), there was a scam to try to liven it
up, then everyone got a little bored trying to sort out what happened.
So all three, I guess!


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