On 12/21/2011 11:30 AM, Kerim Aydin wrote:
> On Tue, 20 Dec 2011, Pavitra wrote:
>> On 12/20/2011 04:22 PM, John Smith wrote:
>>>> This message is a Delve, satisfying the Goals 2205 and 2338.
>>> The only Delve was cashing a promise, which relied critically on
>>> 2338.   You could have submitted the same judicial arguments even if
>>> Rule 2205 did not exist.
>> I could have published the same text, but it is not obvious to me that
>> the text would have been judicial arguments in any rule-defined sense
>> without 2205.
>>> (Note that the CfJ's judgment is not a part Delve since it cites
>>> neither rule in its Judge's Arguments; they were clearly cited after
>>> the end of the arguments.)
>> The Delve is the entire series of moves taken in the message in question.
> The Delving Period ended a while ago (November).  Something is only a Delve 
> if it was submitted during the Delving Period.

Oh, right. Oh well.

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