Arkady English wrote:

Add a rule titled "Rule Ownership" with the text:
"All rules, unless explicitly stated, are owned by The President."

I explicitly state that all rules are owned by me.  Better yet, I
create a rule stating "All rules are owned by Murphy".

> "- Rules in conflict which are owned by The President takes
> precedence over rules in conflict which are not owned by The
> President."

This doesn't help, because "Rule Ownership" doesn't conflict with my
rule.  (In general, "X unless Y" is equivalent to "if not Y then X",
so if Y then it's silent and thus doesn't conflict with anything.)

Instead of the above, I create a rule stating "All rules containing
'Marvy' belong to Murphy" and omd creates a rule stating "All rules
containing 'Dance a Powerful Dance' belong to omd".  Now who owns
Rule 2029?

"3. Players may transfer ownership of rules between themselves by mutual
agreement of sender and recipient.

For each rule owned by The President:
  * I agree to have it transferred to me.
  * As Speaker, I cause the President to agree to transfer it to me, and
      then to so transfer it.

Well, you get the idea.  The non-scammy bits of this are fairly similar
to the old contract rules (often used to dodge punishment a la real-life
corporations / LLCs), particularly pledges (single-party contracts,
generally "I pledge to do X" or "I pledge to not do X"; the intent of
Rule 2356 is to allow promises to simulate pledges).

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