On 25 April 2011 05:28, Aaron Goldfein <aarongoldf...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Proto: War
> Hostility is a switch for subsets of players of size 2, with values peace
> (default) and war. Any player CAN, with notice, declare war on any other
> player by announcement. Any player CAN make peace with any other player with
> that player's consent. Whenever a player gains any points, a number of
> points equal to the number of points e just gained divided by the number of
> players e is at war with, rounded down, are destroyed in the possession of
> each player e is at war with. Whenever a player's point total reaches zero
> by this method, be becomes at peace with all players, nobody can declare war
> on em for 21 days, e cannot declare war on anyone for 21 days, and rules to
> the contrary notwithstanding, e CANNOT gain any points for 14 days


Charles Walker

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