On Sun, 2011-03-20 at 11:44 -0700, Kerim Aydin wrote:
> [As long as a lot of protos are springing up, here's mine to throw
> into the ring.

May as well submit the proto I've been wondering about. This isn't so
much to replace economy, or to add a subgame, as to add something
rules-bizarre and likely abusable, much like contracts were; it's meant
to be parallel to anything else going on, because it likes things to
interact with.

Create a rule (whatever power is needed):

Promises are assets. Each Promise has text and an author. Promises with
the same text, author, and owner are fungible. [And an officer to track
them, etc.]

A player can create a Promise with arbitrary text and emself as author
in eir own possession by announcement.

A player can spend a Promise in eir own possession to cause its author
to publish its text, as if e'd sent its text to a public forum as a
message with no further context.

Opinions, anyone? This should lead to vaguely contract-like gameplay, I
imagine, whilst being rather more fluid. I'm not entirely sure what the
other implications are, but I imagine there are quite a lot. (Also, does
this sort of text achieve the desired effect, of allowing players to
make each other send messages if they've had prior authorization? Should
authorship be restricted to players, or arbitrary persons?)


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