[As long as a lot of protos are springing up, here's mine to throw
into the ring.  At present, it is the BASIS of production only,
it can be linked to other protos to specify what the resources can
be actually spent on (votes, ribbons, etc).].

The reason for this is we've tried many types of resource and
production games, and zero sum games, and spatial/land harvest
games, but to my knowledge we haven't done common-pool resources.

Proto-proto:  Common-pool resources.

Create the following Rule, "Natural Resources":

     A Natural Resource is a currency that is designated by the Rules
     to be a natural resource.  The Hammurabi is an office and the
     recordkeepor of all natural resources.

     The following natural resources are defined:
     - Trees
     - Fish
     - Antelope
     - Berries

     Each Natural Resource has the following set of real numbers
     associated with it, which are that resource's Production Values:
     (a) Its Rate of increase (R) 
     (b) Its Carrying Capacity (K)
     (c) A harvestability (H)
     The Hammurabi CAN change the R or K of a particular natural
     resource Without Objection.  If, during an election for
     Hammurabi, a candidate announces a Proposed Budget specifying
     a set of POSSIBLE production values for all natural resources,
     then, if that candidate is elected, the production values are
     set to be those specified the first such announcement e made
     during the election. 
Create the following Rule, The Wilds:

     The Wilds is an entity that can possess Natural Resources.

     As soon as possible after the beginning of each month, the
     Hammurabi SHALL announce a New Harvest.  Upon this announcement,
     for each type of natural resource:
     (1) If there is 0 of that type of natural resource
         in the wilds, one of that type is created in the Wilds.
     (2) P of that type of natural resource are created in The Wilds,
         where P = R*N(1 - N/K), rounded up, where N is the
         amount of that resource in the wilds before this step.

Create the following Rule, Harvests:

     Once during each week, an active Player CAN announce a
     Harvest Strategy.  This strategy consists of a set of non-
     negative real numbers (harvest effort values), each one 
     associated with a different natural resource type, that 
     sum to 1.  If a particular natural resource isn't specified, 
     the number for that resource is 0.

     At the beginning of each week, for each natural resource
     and each active player that published a harvest strategy,
     Q units of that resource are transferred from the wilds
     to that player, where Q = H * (that player's effort for
     that resource, rounded down.  HOWEVER, if the sum of such 
     Q values for all players is greater than the amount of that
     resource, then each player instead receives a proportion
     of that resource remaining in the wild equal to that player's
     proportion of effort to all players' effort, rounded down.

[Note, with all this roundings the production values will be in
the 100s to ensure decent divisibility].  

Rule to maybe create or maybe wait on, called "Weather":

    [Some randomness in the depletion of stocks]     

Next step:  Interface of these rules with Votes, Ribbons, etc.

Upon the adoption of this proposal, set R and K, H as follows:


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