On Sat, 18 Dec 2010, Elliott Hird wrote:
> > But 'til them from this title, you are spurned.
> Your conservatism is a dinosaur, its ashes in urn.

There.  On the urn sits a Title
Steeped in a wisdom only recalled
when the ashes
- the ashes -
part of the stump'd history of ancient victories 
the ashes, now ratified
survive on a scroll 
alongside the names of timorous champions,
samurais, boors, a , and a catalyst,

There.  For the urn within reach
Mind the conservative stroke 
mind - yildirim -  
mind - yildirim -
what broken gods have failed to grasp, 
you learned as you reached
  - duceris non traheris -
you burned as you reached
  - feriunt summis fulmina montes -

There.  For wisdom being what it often is
we are reminded
we are reminded
fas est et ab hoste doceri 
and the struggle shall cease as the voices exclaim
For Arnold Bros (est. 1905)
Arnold Bros est! Arnold Bros est!
The Herald Sits.
Agora listens.

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