On Fri, 17 Dec 2010, Elliott Hird wrote: > On 17 December 2010 19:05, Kerim Aydin <ke...@u.washington.edu> wrote: > > For one bit of doggerel? > > Doggerel you may call it, > --and I admit that I bawled at it-- > But I have a rhyme > That can define > With greatest clarity, the quality of my poem. > Though some may consider it an omen > of bad times and yell at my work "no, man", > I have yet to see > A poem compared to a tree > Come out twice or even thrice as lovely.
It's fine to think, my friend, that you can spout Some lines that seem to have a rhyming scheme I don't remember asking you to shout But then again, things aren't quite what they seem. If you would try (I think) to trade a line Appropriate for Agora and yet set To some fine rhythmic beat improved from mine You may earn claim to Bard, but not just yet. For my rhymes (next to yours) are much improved I think you really have not much to say Though if to disagree you are so moved, I wouldn't think you'd have to CFJ. But simply ask Agora what you've earned But 'til them from this title, you are spurned.