On Thu, Dec 16, 2010 at 23:34, omd <c.ome...@gmail.com> wrote:

> [The current battle over Power escalation made me think of this, and
> after mentioning the idea in ##nomic I decided to proto it.
> Essentially, scamming and counter-scamming in a copy of Agora just for
> fun, with some of the moral constraints lifted.  As a bonus, it should
> help harden the ruleset.]
> proto-contest: Aroga
> 1. Anyone can join this contest (becoming a contestant) or leave it
> (ceasing to be a contestant) by announcement.  The contestmaster is
> always a contestant.
> 2. Sometimes there is a current round.  If there is no current round,
> the contestmaster may start a round by announcement.
> When starting a round, the contestmaster shall randomly divide the
> contestants into two groups (whose sizes differ by at most one):
> - The members of one group are the Defenders.  They represent
> established players, and should try to expel the Invaders from the
> game while keeping it playable.
> - The members of the other group are the Invaders.  They represent
> foreign invaders, and should try to either expel the Defenders from
> the game or render it unplayable.
> The contestmaster must list the membership of each group in eir
> announcement.
> Both sides are encouraged to privately conspire to accomplish their
> goals.  While the Defenders should run scams only with restraint,
> preferring to use existing security mechanisms, the Invaders are
> encouraged to run scams, even ones that would be considered bad form
> in Agora.
> 3. When a round starts:
> a) The Preparation Period occurs; it lasts for 48 hours or until a
> Historical Record has been submitted, whichever is longer.  During
> this period, each side should consult and decide how it intends to win
> the contest.   Any Defender may submit a Historical Record, a document
> which contains:
> - for each office, either the identity of a Defender holder or "vacant";
> - the proto-List of Succession: an ordered list of all Defenders
> except the one (if any) named as Speaker
> b) An exact copy is made of the Agoran gamestate; then, the following
> changes are made:
> - All instances of the text "Agora" in all rules are replaced with "Aroga".
> - Each Public Forum becomes a Discussion Forum, and vice versa.
> - The following paragraph is appended to Rule 478 (Fora);
>      The above notwithstanding, a message is not public if its
>      subject line does not contain the text "[Ar]".
> - The Citizenship switch of each entity is flipped to Registered if e
> is a contestant, and Unregistered otherwise.
> - The first sentence of Rule 2177 (The Senate) is replaced with the
> text: "A Senator is any first-class player who is a Defender."
> - For each office, if a Defender holder was listed in the most
> recently submitted Historical Record, e becomes the officeholder and
> the office becomes Postulated; otherwise, the office becomes vacant
> and Assumed.
> - The proto-List of Succession becomes the List of Succession.
> The resulting gamestate is the initial gamestate of the game of Aroga,
> which begins immediately.
> (Note: As scams tend to generate a lot of controversy, the Arogan CotC
> is encouraged to assign CFJs, and judges to prepare judgements, as
> quickly as possible.  Contestants are encouraged to let judgements
> stand rather than appeal them.)
> c) The round lasts until either the Defenders or the Invaders have won
> the contest.
> 4. If, in the contestmaster's opinion, all Invaders have been banished
> from the game for at least a month, all of the Defenders win the
> contest, and the round ends.
> 5. If, in the contestmaster's opinion, either
>  (a) all Defenders have been banished from the game for at least a month,
> or
>  (b) the game of Aroga is unplayable: this condition can be satisfied
> literally, but as Aroga Is A Nomic, it is also satisfied if the
> Invaders demonstrate that they can indefinitely block all proposals
> from passing;
> then all of the Invaders win the contest, and the round ends.
> 6. If a round ends with the Invaders victorious, the players of Agora
> are ENCOURAGED to modify the ruleset to patch any scams they
> discovered which might be applicable in the real game.

It sounds like a bad idea to make ##nomic a public forum.

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