Yally wrote:

> On Sun, Nov 21, 2010 at 20:15, Kerim Aydin <ke...@u.washington.edu> wrote:
>> On Sat, 20 Nov 2010, Ed Murphy wrote:
>>> Detail: http://zenith.homelinux.net/cotc/viewcase.php?cfj=2900
>>> ===================  CFJ 2900 (Interest Index = 0)  ====================
>>>     The Registrar's most recent report should have included that
>>>     Tiger became Inactive on 2 May, 2010, as the Registrar is
>>>     required to include in eir report "when each Inactive player
>>>     became Inactive."
>>> ========================================================================
>> I set this case's II to 1.
>> Judgement:  FALSE.  As per Wooble's gratuitous arguments, with the
>> added note that when a player becomes Active, the Registrar is not
>> (ceases to be) required to track the previous inactivity dates; so
>> following the caller's reading would require information untracked
>> for months/years to suddenly become tracked; that's an unreasonable
>> reading.
>> I award myself a capacitor.
>> -G.
> Interesting. However, the Registrar is required to include the dates
> of registration/deregistration of all former players. However, if a
> player deregisters and later registers, the Registrar is no longer
> required to track eir old dates of registration/deregistration, but
> would later be so required if the player deregisters again.

This precedent implies that the Registrar is currently not required to
track that e.g. Quazie was registered from 2005-2007 and 2008-2009,
only that e was registered from 2009-2010.

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