On Thu, 2010-10-07 at 23:00 +0200, Jonatan Kilhamn wrote:
> Only up to a certain point, right? If enough people do not rebel, the
> small chance of being put really high (as one of few non-rebels)
> outweighs the great probability of being put very low (as the last of
> the rebels when everyone rebels). Also if the rebellion succeeds,
> someone else gets a leadership token. Sure, I'm close to winning but
> this isn't a winning condition that sets anyone else back, so me
> getting one isn't worse than anyone else getting one, assuming we're
> planning on keeping them around for long enough to give most people a
> decent chance of sometime getting three.

Agreed; but at least at the moment, rebelling's looking like a rather
good option. It becomes less clear-cut as time goes on, though.


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