On Fri, 2010-08-27 at 14:39 -0700, Kerim Aydin wrote:
> On Fri, 27 Aug 2010, ais523 wrote:
> > I note in passing that scams of the type that coppro is attempting atm
> > could, in future, be resolved by assigning ID numbers to players. This
> > is also arguably a bug in rule 2161.
> proto-proto:  Upon a judicial finding that an entity has a confusing name,
> the judge CAN make a judicial declaration of a reasonably appropriate non-
> confusing name for the entity; the judge SHOULD choose the most recent 
> non-confusing name for the entity, giving credence to the entity's wishes
> or self-declarations, if doing so in fact resolves the confusion.  It may 
> be reasonable for the judge to find that previous actions using the 
> confusing name as a referent were ineffective due to ambiguity.

I have a sudden urge to call you Gravity Circumference Line Deja Vu
Cardboard Duck e^(-kt).


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