On 08/20/2010 04:29 PM, Kerim Aydin wrote:
On Fri, 20 Aug 2010, Alex Smith wrote:
--- On Fri, 20/8/10, Aaron Goldfein<aarongoldf...@gmail.com> wrote:
Proposal: Barrel of Monkeys (AI = 1, II = 2)
Ugh, is Agora turning into BlogNomic?
Yeah, I'm disappointed people here think "clever" in fragments is just
stringing together random phrases ("he said monkeys. hehhehheh") rather
than trying to be particularly Agoran and putting out fragments that might
work cleverly with the existing ruleset.
Personally I was thinking that Monkeys and Barrels could be the basis
for an Agoran economy. The basic idea is that past elements of economy
have worked best when there are lots of different parts, but that they
form part of a coherent system. My idea was to provide Monkeys easily
but limit Barrels, and one would need to fill a Barrel with Monkeys and
then use it up, and the effects possible would depend on the Monkeys in
the Barrel.