On 04/16/2010 09:14 AM, ais523 wrote:
X-CanIt-Geo: ip=; country=US; region=CA; city=Mountain
View; postalcode=94043; latitude=37.4192; longitude=-122.0574;
metrocode=807; areacode=650;
I note that the latitude and longitude here are very similar to the
location of Google, which is not particularly surprising, given that
coppro uses gmail. It's a bit strange that this sort of RL information
is leaking out onto the lists, though. (Presumably, you could extract it
from messages to any mailing list by looking at the headers, but only
tue bothers to do so.)
That is indeed weird. Also, only even slightly correct if you interpret
the "region" code as my "country" code ;)