coppro wrote:

> On Tue, Nov 17, 2009 at 4:17 PM, Ed Murphy <> wrote:
>> To be more specific: Â Each draws_by_week.php script works correctly, as
>> far as it goes. Â What they is a "leave out data more than X weeks old"
>> cutoff; instead, they include every week from (hardcoded start date) to
>> (end of the most recent week that has already ended). Â If you just go
>> by my published reports, then you can ignore this problem (I'll manually
>> trim the published list).
> Ah... couldn't you limit the query to WHERE date > DATE_SUB(UTC_NOW(),
> 1 MONTH) or something like that (disclaimer: I may have the functions
> and/or syntax wrong).

The detail script (draws.php) has a 30-day cutoff, but doing that in
the summary script would generally cut off mid-week.  The messy corner
case occurs when the time period crosses a year boundary.  Thinking
about it, I should be able to make it Good Enough later on, basically
     (same year and week# >= current week# - 5)
  or (previous year and week# >= 49 and current week# <= 5)

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