2009/9/12 Ed Murphy <emurph...@socal.rr.com>: > Proto-Proposal: Demolish the House > (AI = 2, please) > > [Replaces cards, effectively a few dozen single-use currencies, with a > few multiple-use currencies.] > > Amend Rule 2255 (Major Arcana) by replacing this text: > > The Major Arcana is a deck of Position cards whose dealer is the > Herald. The following Major Arcana cards are defined: > > with this text: > > The following imposed offices exist, with the following > privileges. The holder of one of these offices CAN by > announcement cause another specified player to become > its holder. > > Change the title of Rule 2257 to "Basic Action Costs", and amend it > to read: > > A Basic Action is an action defined as such by the rules. > > Each Basic Action has a Cost, a positive integer defaulting to > 1, and CAN only be performed by spending that many units of the > associated Basic Currency. The weekly report of each recordkeepor > of a Basic Currency includes the Cost of each Basic Action for > that currency. > > Changing the Cost of a Basic Action is secured. The Cost of a > Basic Action CAN be changed: > > a) By the associated currency's recordkeepor, without 2 > objections. > > b) By the associated currency's recordkeepor, as e pledged > to do (if elected) during an election for the office that > tracks that currency (but no later than the third day of > the voting period). > > [Pledge restrictions are relaxed - if a candidate makes a vague pledge > and gets elected anyway, the players deserve what they get - but > deadline is no longer extended when the voting period is extended.] > > Change the title of Rule 2258 to "Salaries", and amend it to read: > > Any currency defined by this rule is known as a Basic Currency, > and ownership of it is restricted to players. > > Salary is a first-class player switch tracked by the Accountor, > with possible values N,M,O,P where each letter is replaced with > a defined basic currency. The default value for this switch is > Change,Change,Justice,Government. Ordering of N,M,O,P is not a > significant differentiating aspect of the switch value, only the > number of times each currency type is listed within the switch. > > A player CAN change the value of eir own Salary switch by > announcement. > > At the beginning of each month, each first-class player earns a > number of units of each Basic Currency equal to the number of > times that currency appeared in eir salary switch at the beginning > of the month. As soon as possible after the beginning of each > month, the Accountor SHALL publish the state of each player's > Salary switch as it was at the beginning of the month. > > Office Salary is a switch for each office tracked by the > Accountor, with possible values being the names of each basic > currency (default Government). The holder of each OFFICE CAN > change that office's salary by announcement. At the beginning of > each week, each holder of an office earns a number of units of the > Basic Currency indicated by its Office Salary equal to its > interest index. > > When a first-class player registers, e gains two units of each > Basic Currency. > > Government Tokens are a currency tracked by the Grand Poobah. > > Justice Tokens are a currency tracked by the Insulator. > > Change Tokens are a currency tracked by the Anarchist. > > Change the title of Rule 2259 to "Taxation", and amend it to read: > > An entity's tax bracket is an integer from 1 to 5, default 2. > > When an entity is taxed, N/10 of its holdings of each Basic > Currency (rounded down) are destroyed, where N is its tax bracket. > > At the end of each month, each entity is taxed. > > [Audits are greatly simplified.] > > Change the title of Rule 2260 to "Government Actions", and amend it by > replacing this text: > > When a player wins an election, e earns two draws from the > Government Deck. > > The Deck of Government consists of the following cards, listed > by title followed by Exploit (default) or Effect (if marked as > such). > > with this text: > > When a player wins an election, e gains a number of Government > Tokens equal to the office's interest index. > > The following Basic Actions CAN be performed by spending > Government Tokens: > > and by replacing "increased" with "decreased" in the Arm-Twist > section, and by removing "one." from the end of the No Confidence > section, and by removing the "Government Ball" section. > > [Election bonus changed to one week's salary. Lottery is moved to > its own rule below.] > > Change the title of Rule 2261 to "Change Actions", and amend it to > read: > > When a proposal authored by a player is adopted and takes > effect, that player gains a number of Change Tokens equal to > its interest index. > > The following Basic Actions CAN be performed by spending > Change Tokens: > > * Distrib-u-Matic - Indicate an Undistributable proposal. That > proposal becomes Distributable. > > * Committee - Indicate a Distributable proposal. That > proposal becomes Undistributable. > > * Your Turn - Indicate a player. E SHOULD perform at > least one Basic Action in the next 72 > hours. If e fails to do so, you CAN once > destroy a unit of Basic Currency in eir > possession by announcement in the subsequent > week. > > * Presto! - Indicate an entity and a Basic Currency > held by that entity. One unit of that > Currency is transferred from em to you. > > * Not Your Turn - Indicate a given Basic Action that was > performed in the last 24 hours. That action > is canceled and did not occur. If this action > would create a paradox preventing its own > success, then it is unsuccessful. > > * Supersize Me - Specify an entity. That entity's tax bracket > is decreased by 1. > > * Shrink Potion - Specify an entity. That entity's tax bracket > is increased by 1. > > Change the title of Rule 2262 to "Justice Actions", and amend it to > read: > > When a judge judges a case within its time limit, e earns a > number of Justice Tokens equal to its interest index. Within > one week after an appeal case is judged OVERRULE, a member of > the appeal judge's basis CAN destroy a number of the prior > judge's Justice Tokens equal to the prior case's interest > index, unless the prior judge has already lost Justice Tokens > due to that OVERRULE. > > The following Basic Actions CAN be performed by spending > Justice Tokens: > > * Absolv-o-Matic - Indicate a player with at least one Rest. > A Rest in that player's possession is > destroyed. > > * Stool Pigeon - Indicate a player who has not been > indicated for this action within the last > 72 hours. A Rest is created in that player's > possession. > > * Drop your Weapon - Indicate an entity and a Basic Currency held > by that entity. E loses one unit of that > currency. > > * Discard Picking - Indicate a Basic Currency of which at least > one unit was destroyed in the past 72 > hours. You gain one unit of that currency. > > * Penalty Box - Specify an entity. You CAN, in the same > message, With Notice (you must have > previously declared intent as specified by > other rules), cause em to be taxed, unless > e has already been taxed since you last > declared intent. > > [Judicial salary increased to match interest index.] > > Repeal Rule 2253 (Cards). > Repeal Rule 2254 (Position Cards). > Repeal Rule 2257 (Exploit Cards). > Repeal Rule 2266 (Effect Cards). > > Create a rule titled "Wood for Sheep" with this text: > > A player CAN spend four units of any one Basic Currency to gain > one unit of a different Basic Currency that e specifies. > > [We're long overdue for a Catan reference in the rules.] > > Create a rule titled "Lottery" with this text: > > A player CAN spend one unit of each Basic Currency to enter > the lottery. As soon as possible after e does so, the Accountor > SHALL select a random number from 1 to 100; if it is 100, then > the player satisfies the Winning Condition of Fortune (cleanup > procedure: all entities cease to satisfy this Winning Condition). > > Set Costs as follows: > > 2 Arm-Twist > 4 Lobbyist > 4 Local Election > 8 Debate-o-Matic > 8 On the Nod > 8 Kill Bill > 8 No Confidence > > 2 Committee > 40 Not Your Turn > 14 Presto! > 4 Shrink Potion > 4 Your Turn > > 3 Discard Picking > 2 Drop Your Weapon > 8 Penalty Box > 8 Stool Pidgeon > > [Anything not listed defaults to 1.] > > For each card that was owned by a player immediately before the adoption > of this proposal, e gains a number of units of Basic Currency equal to > the Cost of the corresponding Basic Action (if any), or 14 if there is > no corresponding Basic Action. > I like. Especially the Catan reference.
-- -Tiger