comex wrote:
> On Sat, Aug 29, 2009 at 4:47 PM, Pavitra<> wrote:
>> It occurs to me that R754(3) fails to establish a precedence relation
>> between legal and mathematical definitions.
> I've never seen "if A, then B" used as iff as an _expression_-- to
> answer "is it true that if A, then B?".

I think there's something about the use-mention distinction here. If
(not iff) it's being mentioned rather than used, if there are implicit
quotes around it, then you'd usually say "is it true that A implies B?".

Note, though, that this only applies when the quotes are implicit (which
they always are in the spoken word). I would not be particularly
surprised to see someone write "is it true that {if A then B}?" or
perhaps "is 'if A then B' true?"

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