On Tue, Aug 4, 2009 at 17:53, Sean Hunt<ride...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Roger Hicks wrote:
>> Which is the reaction I expected and part of the reason I've held off
>> suggesting it. Though I would like to hear your reasons why you think
>> it is a bad idea.
>> BobTHJ
> Actions take place on the lists for a reason.  If actions take place
> off-list, others have no way of verifying them.
I agree that actions take place on the lists for a reason, but I think
those reasons can be mitigated. Under the system I suggest all actions
(and attempted actions) are logged and all are verifiable. Also, there
would still be a weekly report to the lists showing all actions
performed off-list.

On Tue, Aug 4, 2009 at 17:59, comex<com...@gmail.com> wrote:
> The historical record is also destroyed.  This is mitigated if the
> webpage contains a complete log of all attempted actions and their
> effects (or not), but only partially.

Again, my web-interface is already set up to record all actions and
their effects, even those which fail - and can even track the state of
actions which are under dispute. If you couple this with regular
reporting of all those actions to the list I think this safely avoids
any issues (asset holdings would still only be ratified via the
on-list report which could be CoE'd).

Note that I don't suggest using a web-interface for Agora defined
actions, only those actions defined in contract. There's a good reason
we use an e-mail list and not a website to play Agora and I'm not
suggesting we change that. The primary actions that I think would be
good to process via web are:

* Milling
* Harvesting (though the SoA's response to certain harvests would
still be done on-list)
* Subsidization requests

These are the items that tend to clog the list with a lot of messages.
Agora is more friendly to new players when the message count is lower.


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